Page 126 of Hurry Up And Wait
“That you had a fiancée or that your father was going to announce his candidacy that day?”
She made a humming noise, but otherwise stayed silent.
“When I took this job, it was just to gain intel for Cash. I was just supposed to help the senator with his re-election. I swear, that’s it.”
Silence filled the line again.
“Kavanaugh, what do you want me to say? You didn’t even tell me you were working with your father. I thought you were going on a protection job, and then I saw him on the television. And found out that, apparently, you’re engaged.”
“I’m not,” I said quickly. “When I arrived for the job, he sprang it on me. I suddenly have a fiancée, an apartment with her, and we’re having a dinner party in like five minutes. I didn’t plan any of this,” I pleaded.
I wished I could see her face, to know that she wasn’t completely pissed at me, that she was going to forgive me. I couldn’t see her, and I had no idea what she was thinking right now. But there was no way I could put off telling her any longer. It had to be done.
“You knew?
“You left on your job over a month ago. You’ve been home several times since then. You were on my roof. You snuck into my house. Yousleptwith me, and you knew!”
My mouth opened, but nothing came out. I suddenly realized what I’d admitted and how deep of shit I was in.
“You knew then that your father planned all this and you didn’t tell me.”
“I didn’t want to?—”
“You slept with me and you didn’t bother to tell me that this little bombshell was coming!”
Fuck. I thrust my fingers through my hair again, sure I was going to tear out every strand as I tried to figure out a way to make this not sound quite so bad.
“Isla, I—how the fuck was I supposed to explain this to you?”
“I would have started by opening my mouth, but that’s me. You know, those small details that would have sounded a hell of a lot better if you had just told me the moment you found out. How could you let me do that? Isleptwith you!” she shrieked again. “I’m a homewrecker!”
“No. No, you’re not,” I assured her. “It’s all for show.”
“Yeah, and if anyone finds out, I’m the woman that’s ruining your relationship with this woman.”
“No one will find out.”
“But if they do,” she snapped, “I’ll be the one who looks bad. Did you even think of that? This is what candidates do in elections! They dig up dirt on their opponents and their families. You’ve turned me into a potential headline!”
“I swear,” I swallowed hard. “I’ll keep anyone from finding out. It won’t touch you.”
“It doesn’t matter, Kavanaugh. It’s over.”
“No. Don’t say that,” I pleaded, panic filling my mind. She was just back in my life. I barely got a chance to spend any time with her. The senator was destroying my life and he barely lifted a finger.
“You’re living with her. You’re having a dinner party in five minutes. And that’s when you thought it was best to contact me? When you had to leave?”
I closed my eyes and pleaded to find a way out of this. There had to be a way. I couldn’t have messed this up so badly right when everything in my life was coming together.
“I’ll fix this. I swear to God. I have a plan.”