Page 9 of Waylon
“Are you all right?” She told him about how she discovered that she could wear and change into anything that she wanted. “I didn’t think of trying that. I just realized that you don’t have much in theway of clothing, do you? What with your apartment going up in flames.”
“I have a few things that were at the dry cleaners when I went to pick them up. Not too much for everyday wear. But I was able to order me a few things while I was hiding from Roman. Everything that I ordered came to the diner and under her name. They were really good to me while I was hiding out there. For money I would help with the busing tables and doing the pots and pans.”
“I never thought of you not having credit cards either. This with your money, it must make you feel pretty good?” She said that she felt wonderful and that she was happy too that she had all her money where it needed to be as well. “My mom is great at investing money. You should talk to her about making every dollar work for you. I know she’s made me a bundle by listening to her advice.”
“I’ll do that.” She was tempted, really tempted, to ask him to get out of the water so that she could have a full view of him. But instead, she made her way to the deep end of the pool, where the diving board was, and dove into the water. It was almost too warm, but it was heavenly on her poor body after all the things that she’d been stressing about since Donnie handed over her money that fateful evening.
When she had enough splashing around, she started to the stairs. It was then that Waylon came to her to mostly help, but when she slipped backwards, her body hitting the water hard, he was right there to rescue her. And he held her in his arms until she stopped trying to stand up again.
“Are you all right?” She nodded and had to swallow twice before she could form words. She told him she was just fine. “Good. I was thinking that if you’d not mind, I’d really like to make love to you. Not right this second. There are too many prying eyes around here, and I don’t want to have our neighbors pissed off at us before we even get to meet them. But the thought of taking you upstairs to our room and having a great deal of sex with you appeals to me in a way that I’m hard just thinking about it.”
“Okay.” He laughed, then simply threw back his head and laughed loudly. Getting out of the entanglement of his arms, she stomped her way to the house. He’d learn not to make fun of her again.
Chapter 4
As soon as they were in the screened-in back porch he knew that she was upset. However, how upset she was, he couldn’t judge. Walking toward her, taking off his clothing as he made his way to her, she inhaled sharply when he pulled his shirt off his body and let it lay where it dropped.
“I’m mad at you.” He asked her if she was mad at him or just sexually frustrated. “How am I supposed to know? I’ve never had sex before. I mean, I’ve had sex, just not had a climax. I suck at being sexy, too, just so you know.”
“You could be in a burlap sack that was smelly and old, and I’d think you were sexy as hell.” She smiled at him, but he could tell that she was still upset. “Have I told you how much I love you? I do. With all my being. And I will love you forever, too.”
“That’s very sweet of you. But what if we’re not compatible?” He started to laugh but caught himself in time. He didn’t realize until that very moment that she was as insecure as he was confident in his love for her. “Are you laughing at me?”
“No. I’m amazed if you want to know the truth. I can’t believe that anyone you had sex with wouldn’t do everything in their power to make sure you had enjoyment more than them. I live for making you first in all things.” She asked him if he was serious. “I am. Right now, my only pleasure would be to make you enjoy us making love to the fullest.”
Waylon pulled her toward him and kissed her. Her mouth was wet and warm, her tongue tangled with his over and over until he felt as if he’d touched every part of her. He was doing exactly what he wanted. He needed to claim her. Reaching down, he spread his fingers along her back and pulled her closer, her breasts pressed against his bare chest. When her hands moved up his shoulder to his hair, he shifted her until she was riding his thigh. Cupping her ass, he pulled her up and down his leg until she moaned. He tore his mouth away and put his forehead onto her.
“I want you. I want to take you right here and right now. I can’t seem to get enough of you. Touching, tasting.” He stepped back and dropped to his knees before her and pulled her to his mouth, bikini bottoms and all. “You smell delicious. I want…I need to eat you.”
He yanked her bottoms down to her knees and buried his face into her soaking curls. When she curled her hands into his hair again, Waylon couldn’t have stopped if someone put a gun to his head.
Sliding his fingers up and into her wet sheath, he fucked her as he suckled at her pussy. The warmth of it, the heat of her, was making her flood his mouth with all the cream that he wanted. And he found that he wanted it all. When she pulled at his hair, he looked up at her and growled low.
“Not here.” He looked at her, confused. “Not out here where the neighbors can see what we’re doing. Please? Let’s go into the house. I don’t even care if there is a bed involved, but I don’t want to make love to you right here in the open where people can watch us.”
Standing up, he picked her up in his arms. He nearly tossed her over his shoulder but realized that if he were to just turn his head to the right ever so slightly, her pussy was right there for him to taste again.
The living room deck door was hard for him to open. First of all, he knew that he wasn’t seeing what he should be doing, and secondly, he knew that if he didn’t get her someplace right away, he was going to not give two shits about who saw them. He and his gorilla wanted her so badly that he was weak in the knees just thinking about it.
Finding the couch, he put her down and bent her over it. The site that greeted him was her lush, plump ass. Bending over her, shutting the door—none too easily either—at the same time, he licked a path from her dimples to her pussy and back again. Her moans and begging were getting the better of him, and he didn’t want to rush things too quickly for her.
Leaning over her, he wasn’t surprised to feel her backing up to have him take her harder. Filling her pussy this way, filling her from behind, he noticed that he could see her breasts as they swayed while he took her. The beautiful orbs with her hard nipples swayed back and forth in time to his fucking her, and he was so lost in the movement that he nearly missed her first climax.
“Holy, Christ, I’m coming.” She screamed out his name. Even as he fucked her faster, harder, he reached down between the two of them and cupped her breasts in his hands. Toying with her nipples, all he wanted to do was suckle them until he passed out with the pleasure of it all. And when she came a second time, he bit down on her shoulder, using it as a lifeline so that he’d not come apart too much. Waylon emptied himself deep inside of her even as she cried out that she was coming again.
When he woke up, he was lying on the floor. There was a throw over him, for which he was glad for while he looked around for Londyn. She wasn’t anywhere near him but he knew she wasn’t far. Sitting up, he had to lie back down twice before he could feel safe enough to move much more than he already had. Christ, he was sore and exhausted.
“I’ll help you up, but you can’t touch me.” He grinned at Londyn, telling her that he had to touch her to get up. “My body is still buzzing. I mean, even going to the bathroom a few minutes ago was too much, and I swear to you, I came while I was peeing.”
“That’s not sexy, yet it is at the same time.” She helped him up but she backed away from him quickly, nearly tripping over the footstool that was just behind her. “Careful there. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“If that was what a regular climax feels like, I can tell you for sure that I’ve never ever felt like that before. While I’m sure that it was special between the two of us, I don’t believe that we can have sex like that again for a while, however. I’m sore, too.” Using only his heels, he made his way to the bathroom, asking her if she needed him to help her up the stairs. “I just told you I’m sore. How on earth…that was very nice of you, but no. I’m going to go upstairs and run a hot bath. I can’t believe that you’re walking around at all. I love you, but no, please don’t touch me right now.”
When he finished up in the bathroom, he made his way to the upper levels. Now that he was moving around, he did feel better and by the time he was up the stairs, he didn’t hurt at all. But he knew that a nice warm shower would take out the rest of his kinks, should they appear tomorrow, and waited until Londyn was finished with her bath by sitting on the commode and talking to her.
“Just so you’re aware, I’ve never come like that before either.” She was washing her legs by bringing them up out of the water to the point where he could see her thighs. “You’re the most sexy creature that I’ve ever seen. And I love you.”
“I love you so much, too.” She frowned a little, and he nearly asked her what was wrong when she spoke again. “I’m an attorney. I know you’re aware of that but I was thinking that I’d like to do some cases for your family. To help them out if they need it. I know your dad is one as well. Maybe we can work together. What do you think?”