Page 77 of Play the Last Card
Thank. Fuck.
Chapter Sixteen
I can feel himplaying with my hair.
The morning light starts to peer through the curtains. There’s a gap in them and the beam of sunlight seems to cross directly over my face. I keep my eyes closed, listening to Scott’s breathing as he gently twirls a piece of my hair around his fingers. I can’t help the sigh of satisfaction and I snuggle further into his chest.
The last two weeks have been pure bliss.
I go to work, I go to the hospital to visit Pops, then I come home. Scott is normally waiting for me by his car on the side of the road, and we cook dinner and snuggle on the couch while watchingFriendsreruns. Then he scoops me upstairs and gives me at least two orgasms before I fall asleep in his arms.
Katie has been texting me non-stop with questions and demands that we go for brunch so I can spill all the ‘dirty details’. Her words, not mine.
Deep down, I know that I’m terrified of bursting this blissful bubble if I tell Katie anything. So instead, I’ve been dodging her calls, and her texts, and blowing her off.
I know. I’m being a shit friend.
But the bubble! I just want to protect the bubble for as long as possible. As soon as Katie knows, she’ll make me answer all the hard questions I’ve been avoiding since Scott agreed to keep this between us and I am simply just not ready for her brand of truth bombing.
Scott’s finger trails down my arm. The sensation sends shivers along my skin. Another sigh escapes my lips as I feel him press a kiss to my forehead.
“Good morning,” he murmurs into my hair.
I blink up at him, whispering, “Hi.”
He smiles down at me, dipping down to press a kiss to my lips. I shift my knee hooking over his hip, turning into him so that our chests press together. My body relaxes on his and I bring a hand up to his chest, across his heart, and rest my chin against it. Beneath my palm, I can feel the steady thud of his heartbeat.
Contentment floods me.
I feel such a sense of peace. I wish this was how it could be all of the time.
“What time is it?” I ask in a whisper, eyes closing again.
“Just before six.”
I groan and the laugh that comes from him makes his chest vibrate beneath me.
“So early. Back to sleep.” I snuggle in deeper.
Scott’s hands move up and down my arms. He draws a path from my wrist, over my shoulder and down my back. His fingers hitch on the thin strap of my top but it relents and slips, hanging off my shoulder as his fingers blaze a trail across my skin. I can feel the pulse between my legs begin to intensify and I do my best not to squirm on top of him.
I don’t want him to stop but I can also feel sleep tugging at my eyes, coaxing me back to my dreams.
His fingers roam down my back, skim across my hips and over my lace covered ass. Scott presses his fingertips into the soft skin and I can’t take it anymore. I whimper and my hips roll, searching for any kind of friction.
Scott lets out a soft laugh, squeezing my ass again. “This helping you wake up?”
I don’t respond. I can’t respond. He keeps moving, his fingers round the curve of my thigh and trailing lightly over my center. I sigh. Withoutreally thinking about it, my leg hitches further up his waist, allowing more room for his hand between my legs.
I angle my head, looking up at him and the same heat and desire is reflected right back at me.
“You still sleepy?” he asks, slowly stroking me. I know he can feel the wetness starting to seep through my panties. He keeps going, every third or fourth pass he presses harder and he lingers on my clit.
What a fucking tease.
I nod in response to him, letting myself roll against his hand. He starts to toy with the edges of my panties and just as I think he’s going to pull them aside and finally,finally,touch me, he stops.