Page 26 of Play the Last Card
He’d stayed the whole day with me in my classroom, helping me get through my set up faster than I ever have before. We ended up sitting against the wall at the front of the class talking for almost two hours before I had to call it a day and get to the hospital to see Pops.
I’d hoped that Scott might ask to reschedule our date for last weekend but he’d told me that he would be out of town. Sure, I’d been disappointed but I hadn’t pushed.
He’d turned up at my classroom with coffee and muffins and spent the day sticking up color posters. I’m not about to get sulky over the fact he had to work. Besides, he still texted me with what must have been every free moment because every time I’ve looked at my phone in the past week, his name has been front and center.
My favorites are the morning texts.
I told Katie by Tuesday that even if whatever was going on with Scott and I fizzled out, he’d raised the bar when it came to morning texts.
Over the weekend it had simply been a ‘morning’ but when I woke up on Monday and checked my phone, there was a good morning and a request from him.
Scott:Morning. First day back to school. A big one. What’s your ‘first day of kindergarten’ outfit? Has to be good in order to set the tone for the whole year.
No pressure of course.
This is more of an excuse to get another glimpse of your pretty face.
I’m not ashamed to admit that I squealed and kicked my heels up when I read it. The smile on my face had been so wide and unmoving, I’d had to take a few deep breaths before taking a picture of my outfit for him in the mirror.
He’d told me that I made a good choice and that I looked amazing.
Cue more squealing.
He’s asked for one every morning since and every morning I’ve obliged.
Even on Thursday when I had to dress in my gym leggings and the school branded polo top because my kindergarteners had their first official gym class on the school field. Those morning messages managed to keep a smile on my face throughout my entire day no matter what the kids threw at me.
Friday afternoon I kick my shoes off inside the door. A sigh of relief leaves my mouth and I feel the stress of the week float from my body. My phone chimes as I reach the kitchen, setting my bag down on the nearest stool.
Ivy:Just walked in … my feet are killing and the couch is calling my name. How’s work?
He’d told me yesterday that he was away for work again. The curiosity of what he does is starting to eat away at my insides. I really want to know what the hell he does that has him moving to Boston for work but traveling every other week.
I sink into the couch as his reply comes in, rolling onto my stomach to read it.
Scott:Home this morning. Was fine though. Work is work.
I decide it might be best to steer clear. I want that date and bringing up his work, as I’ve learned, causes him to shut down faster than a kindergartener being questioned for taking their friend’s toy, rather than sharing.
Ivy:Well, I’m exhausted. First week is always a killer.
Scott:I imagine it would be. Everyone survived though. I call that a win.
Ivy:Everyone survived, yes. Barely, but we made it. Haha.
Scott:What are your plans this weekend?
Ivy:Not a lot … standing morning date on Sunday with Pops but that’s about it.
Scott:Reckon you’d still be able to fit in that date with me?
My breath hitches and my heart skips a beat.Finally. The date.