Page 16 of Play the Last Card
I frown. “Football isn’t my life.”
Lie. Total lie.
Football is my life. My whole life.
Well … football and my parents.
Katie hums, pocketing the coaster with a quick tap of her pocket. “I’ll pass it on, lover boy.”
“Stop calling me that,” I grumble. Katie just laughs and shakes her head, taking my food order before I slide back into the seat across from Flynn. I pull my cap from my bag, shoving it down over my eyes.
My phone burns in my pocket.
I hate waiting.
(Unknown):I did not think I had something in my teeth.
I laugh. A proper, out loud laugh.
My phone had been on the edge of the couch, the volume on the television on low as an old game tape played. I left the bar a few hours ago, Flynn getting his one drink before he matched with some chick in the city on a dating app and promptly leaving me there. I’d been more than happy to let him go. Darkness fell, I drew the curtains across the large floor to ceiling windows in the penthouse and settled on the couch in the living room.
I’d kept tapping the message icon on my phone, double checking I haven’t missed a message even though the volume was fully up. Thebattery on the phone was completely depleted and when a notification popped up on the screen telling me that I’d only had twenty percent left, I’d realized I’ve been staring at the screen mindlessly for over ten minutes. So I’d banished it to the end of the couch.
It chimed and I dove for it.
At least Katie gave Ivy my number. I keep reminding myself that we’ve only met twice. We’ve had one proper conversation so if she hadn’t texted then that was fair enough. The thought of Katie withholding the coaster anyway also crossed my mind. She seems to have the overprotective best friend role down pat and would probably find it funny to watch me sweat.
Scott:I’m beginning to think Katie isn’t the best source of information.
Ivy:I think she was testing you. I’m not working on Sunday.
Scott:She like this with everyone?
Ivy:She’s protective.
Scott:I picked up on that, funnily enough.
Does she think you need protection from me?
Ivy:From anyone, really.
I lurch forward, feet dragging along the polished wood floors and elbows coming to rest on my knees. I can feel my heart thumping against my chest. Staring down at the text message, I wonder what she might need protection from. Maybe Katie is just a loyal friend. Maybe, most likely, there’s a story there.
I want to find out.
I want to be the one doing the protecting.
I’ve been in Boston for three weeks. Three weeks, and already some woman has made her way into my head, sat herself down and is refusing to leave. The scariest part is I can’t bring myself to care. I want her there. Invited her in myself.
Scott:She gave you the coaster. That’s something.
Ivy:She said you earned brownie points and then flaunted Flynn Reed’s autograph. Did you take a player to the bar?
Scott:Flynn’s a friend from college.
Ivy:He’s a big deal around these parts … you got a lot of friends in high places?