Page 9 of Beau
Lifting her chin and wiping away the tears, she slid off the bed and shrugged into her robe.
She found him in his office, but he was not working. He was standing at the window, staring out at the encroaching darkness.
There were piles of documents on his desk, but it did not look like he had been accomplishing anything.
“I told you to go to sleep.”
“When since have I ever listened to you?”
When his shoulders tensed, she realized she had said the wrong thing. Biting off a sigh, she did something she knew would get a reaction. Walking behind him, she wrapped her hands around his trim waist, her fingers untying the knot of his robe.
“What are you doing?” he rasped.
“Trying to get my husband to stop being mad at me.” She had untied the sash and the robe sprang open. Her fingers glide over the taut flesh of his stomach and tangle with the light dusting of hairs that arrowed down to his sex. He inhaled sharply and she felt when he went rigid as if he was trying to fight the familiar desire.
“You only call me that when you are pissed.” Her hands dropped to his sex and found it hard and hot. “We cannot go to bed withanger in our hearts. I refuse to allow that.”
“Christ! Goddamn you! Stop.”
“No.” Her finger found the moisture at the tip of him. Rubbing it over his glans, she used her other hand to fondle his testicles, squeezing lightly. She knew his body intimately, had learned what made him tick, what set him off.
She also knew the power of her touch and was unapologetically using it now. A groan was torn from his chest. His head dropped forward to mash against the cool glass. His teeth were gritted, his chest congested.
“Turn around," she ordered softly.
“You are not going to use your wiles on me.”
“Aren’t I? Turn around, darling. You taught me to please you and right now I am in the mood to do just that.”
He turned automatically and stared at her with eyes blazing with liquid green fire. His shaft was throbbing and fully aroused.
Lifting her hands, she pushed the robe off his wide shoulders. Standing on her toes, she started with his throat where his throat was working madly. He just stood there while she tortured him with her lips.
“No," he rasped weakly as she went on her knees. But he was powerless to stop her. He swore viciously, fingers curling into the thick strands of her hair when she used her tongue to toy with the reddened tip of his sex. Flames danced and then blazed through his body with lightning speed. His body shuddered and he felt the roaring in his ears.
“Georgie, baby.” He hauled her up against him, his finger biting into her back. “Enough, I cannot stand it.” His head descended as he crushed her lips in a kiss that sent them over the edge.
Chapter 3
“You have already gone through the controlled ovarian stimulation or as we like to refer to it as COS.” Dr. Lucian Jones gave them his benign smile which did nothing to dispense the tension in the room. “You have reacted well to the ‘trigger shot’, the hormone injection so that the eggs can be matured.”
“The next step is the one I am looking forward to.” Georgiana spoke up. After another round of arguments with her husband, she had finally worn him down enough for him to agree to go through with the invitro, but he was only there for support. It was obvious, he was not completely on board.
The clinic they had chosen was one funded by the pharmaceutical company and the doctors there were on a first name basis with the Andersons. PharmaMed was a gigantic company that had its tentacles in everything to do with the medical field. The elite clinic was one of several the company had invested in.
They were also very discreet, a trait that was required due to the number of celebrity patients they catered to. Georgiana Potter-Anderson was on the top of the food chain. Dr. Jones was thehead of the clinic and along with his partner, Dr. Gerald Brown, were both going to be personally involved in the entire process.
Blake had spoken to him and expressed his desire for success. “My daughter-in-law is dead set on having her way with this. I would be happy if you would give her your best care.”
“That goes without saying.”
Now looking at the beautiful couple, Dr. Jones wondered privately why they were in such a hurry, but it was not his place to speculate or ask questions.
“The retrieval of the eggs from the follicles.” He glanced at the brooding man who had yet to make a comment and felt his palms sweating anxiously. “We have already collected the sperm, successfully.” He bent a smile on the exquisite young woman and felt his own admiration for her beauty and genuine personality.
Beau Anderson was well-known for his womanizing ways, so when he had suddenly gotten married and settled down, people had speculated how long it would last. But seeing the two of them together, there was no doubt it was a love match.