Page 7 of Beau
Pushing herself up, she drew her knees to her chin and stared at him as he poured a half a glass of scotch. He was naked and immodest with it.
But then again, Beau Anderson never has to cover up his body. The long, lean magnificent frame was a work of art. He was muscular without being overtly so. He worked out religiously, they both did.
Their home gym was a state of art. He was a morning person, she was not. He would make fun of her whenever he awakened her so that they could work out together. She was useless and a regular grouch without her first taste of caffeine and knowing that much, he would have it ready for her.
Instead of taking the drink and coming back to her on the bed, he walked over to the floor to ceiling window and stood looking out. It had started raining, the water sliding down the glass in rivulets.
He could see her through the one-way glass, and he had to admire the allure of her naked body. She had him wrapped around her little finger and could get him to do anything.
He had been the master of his own destiny for years and now he was controlled by a woman who barely weighs a hundred and fifteen pounds. Payback is a bitch, he thought ironically.
“I don’t want to fight.”
“Neither do I," she averred. “We are just talking.”
“We are not just talking, Georgiana," he bit out. “You have already made your mind up.”
Her chin lifted. “So, I have. I need you to get on board.”
“And if I don’t?”
“Then I would be very disappointed.”
He turned to face her then and she could see the icy look on his face. She had discovered his iron will soon after they started seeing each other.
Beau had been born with a silver spoon in his mouth and had been spoiled all his life. Everything had come easy to him. Being an only child of affluent parents, he had received everything he asked for.
A Porsche when he was sixteen, which he crashed six months after. He had not been punished but had simply received another expensive European car. Women adored him, because of his looks and wealth. He never did any form of chasing; they chased him instead.
When she met him, he was confused that she would turn him down. For the first time in his life, he was up against a resistancethat he could not charm his way through. Their arguments were passionate, their lovemaking right after, so flammable, they were practically singed. Practically consumed by it.
“Then I guess you have said your piece. What the hell do you need me for?”
“Don’t!” She knew what he was doing, and she was not going to allow it. “I am doing this for us.”
“Tell yourself that.” Tossing back the liquor, he strode over to the cabinet and slammed the glass down. “But don’t try and convince me that you are being selfless. I am not buying it.”
“No, damn you!” he shouted, his temper breaking free. “I have read up on the damn procedure. IVF. It’s risky as hell and I will not lose you. Do you get that? I don’t care if we never have a kid. I can live with that.”
Marching over to the closet, he jerked out a robe and shoved his hands into the sleeves. “What I won’t live without, is you. Am I clear?”
“I am in love for the first time in my goddamned life. Sometimes it’s difficult as hell, because I am not accustomed to someone dictating my every mood, my every move. When you are sad, I want to move heaven and earth to take it away. I want to give you the bloody moon and stars and the heavens.
You make me vulnerable and I–”He blew out a breath as he dragged restless fingers through his tousled hair. “I cannot lose you.”
She was shaken by his admission. But as much as she understood what he was saying, she had to try.
She wanted children. Wanted to see his sons feeding at her breasts, wanted to watch them growing up and knowing that itwas the culmination of their love that brought them into this world. And she wanted him on board. She could not bear the wedge between them.
“Come back to bed.”
“I have some things I need to sort out. Go to sleep.”