Page 18 of Beau
“None.” Folding her robe closer around her, she slid on the stool. Propping her chin on one hand, she watched bemused as he deftly arranged the things on the tray. “I could get used to this.”
“You might have to.” Placing the tray in front of her, he came around the oblong counter to kiss her on the cheek. “What do you have planned for today?”
“Leesa and Kelly are coming by to do the final planning for the gala.” She took a sip of the tea and tried not to grimace. “I am going to miss coffee.”
“I would stand in solidarity for you, but I dislike any form of tea.” He rubbed her shoulders. “And I have to run. The R&D department is meeting early this morning to give an update on the dementia drug. Apparently, the FDA did not fully approve of it due to the number of side effects.”
“It would be wonderful if it could hit the market soon.”
“I think so too.” Turning her around, he cupped her face. “Take it easy, will you?”
“I will. We have a dinner party at Blake’s house tonight.”
He grimaced. “I had forgotten about it. Some exes are arriving and expecting to be entertained.” He rubbed her arms absently. “You could always sit this one out. I am sure dad, and I could manage.”
“I am not confined to bed yet, and I feel fine, truly," she tried to convince him. “And you know how much I enjoy entertaining.”
“The last time I wanted to slam my fist into Banner’s face. He was ogling your breasts.”
His green eyes narrowed. “I suggest you wear something demure. It would prevent me from spilling blood.”
She only grinned at him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
“I love it when you go all cave man. It turns me on.”
Twisting his fingers into her tangled hair, he pulled her face up so he could ravage her lips. “Take care of my wife," he growled, dragging his lips from hers. She held on; her face buried in his chest as she fought for control.
“Was that to repay me for last night?”
“It was, but the damn joke is on me," he said hoarsely. “I am going to have to take a cold shower.”
She watched him leave the room, a smile on her face.
Chapter 5
“I always love his room!” Kelly exclaimed as she glided into the sunshine yellow solarium with the lush green plants lining one side of the wall. A dome like ceiling admitted the pale light from the sun struggling to break through the dark overhanging clouds.
Sofas, unmatched with padded cushions done in yellow, greens, russet and gold were strewn all over and placed for comfort instead of style. Books lined one wall, and a glass partition offered a spectacular view of the patio where flowers were blooming under the protection of a canvas.
“It was designed by Beau’s mom.” Georgie greeted her friends with brief hugs. “Mrs. Greene already has refreshments waiting.” She waved to a table in front of the sofa.
“Not that we minded having the meeting here, but Monique wanted to be part of it,” Leesa murmured as she took her seat on one of the sofas.
“I am sorry, but I was not feeling up to going out today.” After Beau left, she had started feeling dizzy and had gone back to bed for a bit. She had not called him of course, because he would start worrying and insist on her canceling the meeting.
“Hon, you do look a little peaked.” Leesa peered at her anxiously. “I hope you aren’t coming down with the dreaded flu. Brad was in bed for two days and we all know when men have even a slight sniffle, how helpless they can get.”
“It’s not the flu.” Georgie had debated whether or not to tell her friends the good news. It was still early days yet and she did not want to jinx it, but these two women and several others were her friends. If she told them not to say anything, they would keep it to themselves.
“I am going to tell you something that is just between us.”
Kelly’s eyes went wide. “Oh goodness! You are pregnant.”
“What?” Leesa screeched, springing out of her chair and running over to sit next to the younger woman. “You are?”
“Yes.” She beamed. “IVF.”
“You really went through it.” Kelly shook her head. “How are you? And what does Beau have to say about all of this?”