Page 11 of ‘I Do’ for Revenge
‘My car is downstairs, let’s go.’ He picked up his jacket on the way and led her back out of the suite, to the elevator and down to the lobby. In the lobby though, Flora froze. Her event manager boss was also in the lobby and had seen her.
Vittorio saw her reaction and said sharply, ‘Who is that?’
Flora said miserably, ‘My now ex-boss.’
Vittorio said, ‘Wait here.’ And he walked over to the man, who Flora could see was going pale in the face. There were a few words exchanged, mostly on Vittorio’s side, and the man was now going red and nodding frantically.
Vittorio came back and took her arm in his hand, guiding her out of the hotel through the main entrance. She looked back at her ex-boss, who appeared to be in some kind of shock.
They were outside the hotel now, going down steps to where a low-slung silver bullet of a car was waiting. A young valet was holding open the passenger door and Flora got in gingerly, feeling awkward, having to contort herself a little. The door closed.
Vittorio got in on the other side, deftly starting the car and manoeuvring them out into the Rome traffic. Flora gave him a general address of where she was staying. She didn’t want to distract him further but curiosity overcame her and when there was a lull in traffic she asked, ‘What did you say to him?’
Vittorio was looking ahead, and Flora took in his strong profile. The man didn’t have a bad angle.
He said, ‘I told him that I didn’t appreciate the way he treated his staff and unless he demonstrated a less punitive work environment in future, I wouldn’t have him manage an event at my hotel again.’
‘Oh.’ Flora absorbed this. Not what she might have expected of the man who had been ruthless enough to ruin her uncle and stand her up on their wedding day. She also hadn’t expected his hospitality. Or how gentle he’d been tending to her finger. The plaster was wrapped around it snugly. It was no longer throbbing, or bleeding.
He drove with easy confidence. Fast, but not too fast. He didn’t need to show off. Her uncle had always terrified Flora with the way he drove.
Before she realised it they were in the quieter residential areas of Rome. Exactly where Flora had directed Vittorio. He said, ‘Where now?’
‘You can just let me out anywhere here.’
Vittorio was driving slowly and looking at the very sleepy/closed apartment blocks. ‘Tell me which one. I’m dropping you to the door, Flora.’
The way he said her name gave her flutters. She could sense he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. She sighed and gave him the address. It was around the corner.
He pulled up outside and got out before she could move, opening her door. The entrance to where she stayed was a nondescript gate. Flora stood in front of it, feeling awkward. Vittorio loomed large under the street lights. It made her even more conscious of what was behind her.
She said, ‘Okay, look, thank you for the lift. I can take it from here.’
He was frowning though and looking over her shoulder. ‘What is this place? Some sort of...hostel?’
She seized on that. ‘Yes, it’s a hostel and guests aren’t welcome inside.’
At that moment the gate opened behind Flora. An older woman stepped out. ‘Flora? Are you okay?’
Flora nodded. ‘Fine, Maria, was just dropping me home.’
‘Okay. Because we need to talk, Flora. I’m afraid that it’s not going to be possible for you to stay if you want to keep Benji here too.’
‘Who’s Benji?’
Vittorio’s question couldn’t distract Flora from the stomach-dropping panic she felt. She’d known this was coming but still...
Maria’s voice was dry. ‘Benji is Flora’s baby.’
Vittorio stared at her. ‘You have a baby? How on earth...? You were pregnant when we were due to get married?’
Maria barked out a laugh. ‘Not a real baby.’
Flora put up her hands. ‘Stop. Both of you.’ She looked at Maria and turned her back on Vittorio. ‘When do I need to move out?’
Maria’s expression was soft, kind, but regretful. ‘Probably as soon as you can. The inspectors could turn up any day now and if they find Benji...’