Page 87 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
Ricardo’s chest puffs out, a new wave of confidence filling him. He truly believes he's outsmarted Nic, and who am I to say he hasn’t?
“Don’t worry, eventually, I’ll call him and let him know you’re safe and where to find you. And when he comes…” Ricardo holds up the gun and mimics firing it. “Bang, bang, Nic is dead.”
I test the ropes again. They're tight but not expertly tied. Amateur work, just like everything else about this plan. But even amateurs succeed sometimes. I can’t let myself forget that.
But I also know that when Nic comes, he won't come alone or unarmed. He's too smart for that. He'll have backup, strategy, firepower. Surely, Ricardo knows that. Does he think that by killing Nic, those men will suddenly switch allegiance? Does he have men ready to help that I simply haven’t seen?
“Hold tight, baby cakes. The fun will begin shortly.” He blows me a kiss and leaves the building.
It’s quite possible I’m going to die today. Tears burn behind my eyes as I picture my children. I never even knew my mother.How much worse will it be for my kids to have known me and then lose me?
At least they have Nic. My brother will move heaven and earth to protect them, to give them the love and security they deserve. I know Bella will love them like her own. Of course, that assumes Nic is able to kill Ricardo and not the other way around.
Max comes to mind again. If I die, will he step forward after all and claim the kids? Or would his fears and doubts keep him away, leaving our babies without either parent?
A sob catches in my throat as I picture Dario and Daniella waiting at school, growing worried as the minutes tick by. Will they be scared? Will they understand when Nic comes instead of me? My heart breaks thinking of their confusion, their fear.
I can’t give in to my fear. I can’t give up and assume death is all that awaits me. I have to survive this. Have to make it home to them. I have to believe that Nic will outmaneuver Ricardo.
Nic will come. Until then, I just need to survive. Keep my head clear. Watch for any chance to escape or signal for help. I won't let Ricardo win.
"I’m done fucking around with you. Start talking." I squeeze Benny’s throat so he knows I’m serious. Then I loosen my grip enough for him to talk.
His eyes show terror as he looks up at me. "I told you, I don't know anything!"
“You know something or you wouldn’t be trying to barter. Or was that all a lie?” I release him and pull out my gun, holding it to his temple. “If you know nothing, I might as well kill you now just for wasting my time.”
"I might…" He swallows hard. "I might have overheard some stuff… rumor… you know how it is. People in a bar like to talk…”
“Talk about what?”
Benny squirms in his chair, sweat trickling down his temple. His eyes dart between me and the door like he's still searching for an escape route. But there is none. Not for him.
“Some guy’s unhappy about your ending the girlie business.”
Girlie business? Motherfucker calls trafficking a girlie business? He deserves to die just for that.
“What guy?”
“Ricardo… Ricky Avila.”
“I already know he’s involved, Benny. Tell me something I don’t know like who he’s working with and where? Where would he take Gia?”
His eyes widen. “He took Nic’s sister?”
“Yes. Where would he take her?”
“Jesus, that kid has balls the size of?—”
I poke my gun in Benny’s head again. “Where!”
He flinches. “I… I don’t know. Like I said, all this is fuckin’ talk. Complaining about Nic taking over. Wanting things back the way they were under Gino."
"Keep talking."