Page 79 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
“Where you going?” Benny asks.
“None of your fucking business.” I walk out, leaving Dominic to lock up.
I head to the office and work until seven that night. When I return home, I’m exhausted after being up for over twenty-four hours. The house mocks me with its emptiness. I pour another drink even knowing it won’t do anything to help me.
In the kitchen, I find leftover Thanksgiving turkey. I close my eyes as a wave of guilt overwhelms me. I’m such a dick. Gia and the kids worked hard on this meal and I’d not shown up.
I slam the refrigerator shut and stalk to my bedroom. What I need is sleep. Of course, it eludes me. It doesn’t help that Gia’s scent lingers everywhere, even though I know Maria has washed my sheets.
I lie in bed staring at the ceiling, remembering how Gia felt in my arms. The way she'd curl into me, trusting and warm. The sound of her laugh. The kids bursting into the kitchen each morning, eager to help make breakfast.
I think of the playground equipment I'd rushed to have installed, desperate to keep them safe, but if I’m honest, I also wanted to give them a reason to stay. Now it stands empty, another reminder of what I threw away.
As the next days drone on, it’s more of the same. Work provides no distraction from the regret and guilt and pain. I find myself staring at my phone, thumb hovering over Gia's number. What would I say? That I'm sorry? That I miss them? The words feel inadequate against the weight of my cowardice. I’d abandoned them. There’s no coming back from that.
It’s only with Benny that I’m able to focus on something other than my own problems. Benny is more wily than I gave him credit for, but I’m fairly certain now that he’s not our stalker. He’s just a gambler who got lucky running into Gia. And this worries me, because if it’s not Benny, then Gia’s stalker is still out there. Likely in New York. Ready. Waiting.
On Sunday afternoon, I pick up the phone to call Nic.
"Max? Everything okay?" Nic's voice comes through clear and sharp.
“It’s about Benny.”
“Finally put us out of our misery with him?” Nic doesn’t hide that he wants me to kill Benny. As much as I think Benny is a rot on the earth, I’m not convinced we’re justified in killing him. After all, he’s right. The inheritance should be his because the twins aren’t Aldo’s.
“Not yet. I’m trying to find out who’s working against you in the family.”
“It’s probably just talk.”
“Maybe, but something doesn't add up.” I pace my office, measuring each word. Nic and I are friends, but he’s the Don. What he says goes. If he thinks I’m not following his order or not giving him respect, that could be problematic.
“What doesn’t add up? Gia was in Vegas and then Benny was in Vegas. He approached her and threatened her.”
“Like I said before, I’m not convinced he knew she was here. How’d he know she’d be at the casino? He wouldn’t.”
“Sounds like you're trying to cover your ass, Max.”
Fuck. “Nic, if I’m right and he’s not the stalker, someone else is still out there. Someone who might be more dangerous. Someone in New York."
Nic's silence speaks volumes. He’s finally understanding what I’m trying to say.
"Listen," I continue, forcing casualness into my tone. "Gia and the kids could still be in danger. I can come to New York for a while. Keep an eye on things there."
"You want to leave Vegas?" The surprise in his voice makes me wince. "That's… unexpected."
“You charged me with their protection, right? It doesn’t make sense to make them come back here, not when they’ve just gotten home again.”
“I’m surprised. You’ve been so against coming home. In fact, I feel like you don’t like protection duty."
My grip tightens on the phone. “I don’t like that she needs protection, but I don’t mind doing it. She's family. The kids too.” I’m speaking the truth, although Nic thinks I’m speaking more metaphorically. “I’ll bring Benny along. He’s scared shitless of you. If he’s telling the truth about a plot against you, you can probably get it out of him. I think it’s possible that the stalker and the traitor could be related. Or maybe I’m wrong, but better safe than sorry, right?” God, I’m babbling.
"You're right." Nic sighs. “Dominic is okay there in Vegas?”
“Yep. This is just temporary. Just until we find who's behind this." The lie sits heavy on my lips. Nothing about my feelings for Gia and the twins is temporary. But Nic doesn't need to know that. Not yet.
"Alright," he says finally. "When can you be here?"
“I’ll fly out late tonight. I can be at Gia’s by mid-morning.”