Page 57 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
These past days with her and the kids have shown me a life I never knew I wanted. Coming home to family dinners, bedtime stories, Gia's smile across the pillow. Now that I've had a taste, the idea of returning to my empty house feels like a slow death.
But I push those thoughts aside. Right now, Gia needs a protector, not a man who's falling deeper in love with her by the day.
I pick up my phone again, dialing Marcus.
"Mrs. Nardone is home safe.” He anticipates the reason for my call.
“Good. Double the security detail at the house. No one gets within a mile without us knowing." I pause, considering Nic's order about Benny. "If Benny shows up, contain him and let me know. I’ll deal with him personally.”
“Yes, Boss."
I walk out of my office, feeling the weight of the world bearing down on me. The ride home is filled with colliding memories and emotions. Six years ago, I let Gia go because it was the right thing to do. Now, having her in my home, I don’t want to do what’s right. I want to make pancakes with the twins every morning. I want to hear Gia’s laughter when we watch movies. I want to feel her next to me when we sleep.
It’s time to put all those crazy fantasies away. I need to do the job Gia’s mother tasked me with, that Nic is counting on me to do. I have to protect Gia and the kids. And I need to fix this fuck up I created in not knowing Benny was in town. That means I need to go back to work tonight.
I pull into my driveway, pulling my emotions together. As I enter the house, the scent of pies hits me along with the sounds of laughter.
“Uncle Max is home!”
I can almost weep knowing the excitement of my return will soon be gone. “What’s been going on?”
Daniella and Dario rush toward me carrying artwork that looks like handprints turned into turkeys.
“We’re making names for where to sit at Thanksgiving tomorrow.” Daniella holds up her art.
“Clever. How would we know where to sit if our names aren’t there?”
Gia turns, her smile bright enough to chase away the darkness of my earlier thoughts. “We’ve made a bit of a mess, I’m sorry to say.”
God, I want to kiss her. I want to walk up to her, have her welcome me home with a kiss like a husband and wife would do. The idea of that should terrify me, but it doesn’t. What terrifies me more is losing this. Knowing in two days, it will be over either because Benny is dead or Nic orders her home because Benny isn’t dead.
Gia frowns. “Is something wrong?”
I give my head a shake. “I’ll tell you later.”
She studies me.
“You want to make one, Uncle Max?” Daniella asks.
“We’ll show you how,” Dario adds.
“Absolutely.” I cross the kitchen, sitting with the kids at the table and following the twins’ directions, tracing my hand. The drawn fingers become the feathers while my thumb is the turkey’s neck and head, and my palm its body.
"Like this?" I hold up my handprint.
“Yay, Uncle Max, you did it,” the kids chime.
Gia leans over my shoulder to look at my artwork. Her scent fills my nostrils, and it’s all I can do not to reach for her and kiss her.
“Not bad.” Her eyes dance with amusement.
I laugh. “Thanks, I think.”
The twins chatter about their day, and I force myself to stay present, to memorize every detail. The way Daniella's nose crinkles when she laughs. How Dario's eyes light up when he shows me his splatter painting technique. Gia’s sweet smile as she watches the kids, or even when she looks at me.
These moments are precious because they're temporary. I know this. But knowing doesn't make it easier to accept.
"Look, Uncle Max. Mine is all purple. Maria says purple is her favorite color." Daniella beams up at me.