Page 48 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
“Max, just calling to update you.”
It’s sick, but I have this hope that he’s not about to tell me the stalker threat has been neutralized and Gia and the kids can return to New York. Not yet. I need more time with her.
“You’ve got news?”
“I’ve eliminated Rinella and the Russian off the list.”
“Oh. So just Benny and Ricky?” I take a sip of my coffee and wince. It’s gone cold.
“I added a neighbor of hers. He’s been hanging around her place a lot since she left. But to be honest, my money is on Benny.”
“Is it just a hunch or do you have anything specific?” I ask.
"He's gone dark. Left Atlantic City three days ago, and none of my guys can track him down."
“Did you check with Lardo? I think he and Benny are close.” I ask about the loan shark operating in Atlantic City.
“Yeah, says he has no clue where Benny is off to, except hiding.”
“How much did he lose?” It always amazes me how stupid men like Benny are. Yes, I know gambling is an addiction, but still. The guy had enough money to live well from his father, plus the small fortune Nic gave him. He could gamble on stocks and live well on some beach in the Pacific. But no. He has to gamble it all away.
“He’s into Lardo for a hundred k, but he’s not the only one.”
“Fucking idiot. Any chance he’s dead?” You can’t get money from a dead person, but I know plenty in the business who kill debtors just because they’re sick of dealing with them.
“Maybe, but until I know for sure, I want him found. I don’t see him coming your way knowing you’re there, but who knows? Like you said, he’s an idiot.”
Gambling establishments have grown throughout the country, so Benny could be in Philadelphia, Mississippi, Louisiana, or even Palm Springs, California. I could totally see him trying to hobnob with celebrities. He could even go to Reno, Nevada, although my reach extends there. “I’ll check in Reno, just in case.”
“You know, Nic, Benny doesn’t strike me as a man who is subtle enough for this kind of stalking. He’s more in your face.”
"I don’t want to underestimate him. He knows people. People who don’t like me or who were loyal to my dad or Aldo.” Nic pauses. "How's Gia doing?"
I think of Gia’s face as she came, so beautiful. I clear my throat. "She's… adjusting."
"You're taking good care of them." Pride and brotherly affection color his words, making my stomach twist. "I knew I could count on you."
The guilt rises. If he knew how I'd held his sister last night, how I'd kissed every inch of her skin… I force the images away.
"Just doing what needs to be done," I say, my voice carefully neutral. "They're family."
Family. The word sits heavy between us. Nic trusts me with his sister's safety, and here I am, falling deeper into feelings I have no right to have.
"Keep them close, Max," Nic says, "until we figure this out."
My heart constricts. "Always."
That evening,I pull into the driveway feeling tired and perhaps a little apprehensive. Gia and I keep going back and forth in our attitudes toward each other. Usually, it’s my fault, but I’ve discovered that pushing her away doesn’t work. So, I’m switching strategies. I want to take what I can for how long I can with her.
I enter the house, and twin blurs of energy rush toward me.
"Uncle Max! We picked a twisty slide and fort and a climbing wall and swings!" Dario jumps up and down in front of me.
"Maria made turkeys with us for Thanksgiving," Daniella adds, bouncing on her toes.
I scoop them both up, their excited chatter washing away the day's tension. Before their arrival, coming home meant silence and solitude. Now? Now I find myself speeding through afternoon meetings just to get back here.