Page 32 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
The twins bolt for the playground, their excited squeals drawing curious glances from the few other parents. I settle onto a bench, trying to look natural despite our security detail doing their best impression of Secret Service agents.
“Look how high I can go,” Dario calls as he pumps his legs on the swing.
Daniella conquers the monkey bars, her face glowing with triumph. "Watch me, Mom!"
After an hour of climbing, swinging, and running, Marcus gives me the five-minute warning. The kids protest but brighten when I suggest stopping for burgers on the way home.
At the drive-through, our convoy of black SUVs must look ridiculous. The teenage worker's eyes go wide as she hands over our bag of food. Marcus insists on checking the contents before passing it back.
“Can I have a fry?” Dario asks from the backseat, already digging in.
"Wait until we get home, sweetheart."
We pull through Max's gates just as the sun is dipping low. The twins clutch their paper bags, chattering about their playground adventures as we head inside. For a moment, watching them skip up the steps, I can almost pretend we're just a normal family enjoying a casual evening out.
“Who’s that?” Daniella asks.
I glance up to see a tall blonde in nothing but a bra, panties, and garters lying back on the dining table.
"Oh!" She startles at the sight of us. “Who are you?”
I quickly pull my kids close and look around for Marcus or Maria or anyone on Max’s staff.
“Kids, go to your room.”
“What about dinner?” Daniella asks.
“You can eat at your play table. Have your dolls and stuffed animals join you. Here, take mine and Max’s with you. Go.” I give them both a gentle push to get them moving. They do as I ask, their eyes turning over their shoulders to look at the woman who is still nearly naked.
Once they're gone, the woman gives me an appraising look as she straightens and stands but still doesn’t get dressed.
"I'm Whitley."
“Why are you here?”
She frowns. “You must be new. I’m a friend of Max’s.” She glances down the hall. “I didn’t know Max took in staff and their children in his home.”
Jealousy flares hot. But also anger. God, I’m a fool to think anything had changed. Did Max invite her over because he didn’t get to finish what we started? Did his guilt get the best of him and he’s going to get his rocks off with this woman instead? What is he thinking to have her here parading around half-naked when he knows the twins are here? Clearly, he knows nothing about being around children.
"I'm Gia. Max is letting us stay here for a while."
Whitley's perfectly shaped eyebrows rise. "Oh, you're visiting."
"We're not exactly visiting." I don’t know what she knows about Max’s business, so I’m not going to reveal that I’m the sister of a Mafia Don needing Max’s protection. Instead, I glancetoward the stairs, making sure the kids aren't within earshot. "Look, I don't care what arrangements you and Max have, but while my children are here, I'd appreciate it if you'd keep bedroom games in the bedroom."
A flush creeps up her neck. "Of course. Max didn’t tell me children were here.”
“Yes, well, they are for now.”
I hear the front door open and Max's footsteps in the foyer. “Where’s my welcoming committee?”
“In here,” I call out.
He walks into the living room, stopping short at the sight of me and his scantily-clad companion.
"What's going on?" His eyes dart between us, lingering on Whitley's revealing attire.
"I was just explaining to your friend Whitley that with children in the house, you two should keep your adult activities confined to the bedroom.”