Page 105 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
I watch him, wondering what his response will be.
“When I met Bella, it felt like I’d been struck by lightning or something. I had feelings I didn’t understand. I didn’t even want to have them. Not at first.”
I nod, understanding that.
“You can’t fight love, Max. That’s what I’ve learned.”
I wonder if he’s extending that thought to me.
“I won’t deny that it’s still a little weird, my best friend and my sister, but she’s happy. The kids are happy.” He turns to me. “You’re happy. So, I’m happy too.”
Relief floods me. “I’m glad.”
“If you fuck up, I’ll kill you.” He grins.
“If I fuck up, you should kill me.” I pat him on the back.
That afternoon, we’re back at the table. The scents of roasted turkey and fresh-baked rolls mingle with pine from the Christmas tree visible through the archway.
Gia passes the mashed potatoes to Bella, their heads bent together as they share some private joke. My wife's eyes sparkle with joy, and the sight of her so happy, so at ease, is what I live for.
We celebrate the holiday as it’s meant to be celebrated, grateful for our blessings, glorying in family. It’s a perfect day.
That evening,I stand at the door with Gia, waving goodbye as Nic and Bella gather their sleepy triplets. I offered them a guest cottage, but Nic insisted on getting a hotel suite for their stay in Las Vegas. A part of me thinks he’s still not comfortable with me and Gia even after what he said earlier in the day.
“I wonder why they won’t stay with us,” I say as their car drives off.
Gia snorts. “Probably because they don't want to have sex with us in the other room.”
My gaze snaps to hers. “What?”
"Bella mentioned earlier that she booked the suite with the garden tub."
“We have a hot tub?—”
"She also packed a brand-new red negligee, and nanny Grace is with them. I think they plan on their own Christmas celebration."
Okay, so that’s an image I don’t want. Now I know why Nic is a little creeped out by me and Gia.
I close the door, drawing Gia into my arms. “Dario and Daniella are zonked. We should get them to bed.”
The twins fuss a bit but are too tired to protest too much. The minute their heads hit their pillows, they’re out. I stand in the doorway of the twins' room, watching their peaceful faces in sleep.
Gia's arm slides around my waist as she leans against me. "They crashed hard," she whispers.
"Can't blame them. Between their cousins visiting and all the presents, it was a big day." I press a kiss to her temple, breathing in the familiar scent of her.
We ease the door closed and head to the living room. The Christmas tree lights cast a warm glow across the room, illuminating the scattered wrapping paper and new toys we haven't put away yet. It's messy, lived-in, perfect.
Gia tugs me toward the couch, curling into my side as we settle in. "You know, there's still one present left under the tree."
I raise an eyebrow. "I thought we opened everything?"
A mischievous smile plays across her lips. "Not quite. I saved a special surprise for after the kids went to bed."
My curiosity sparks at the gleam in her eye. "Is it a red negligee?”
“No. Too late for that.” She untangles herself from my arms to go to the tree.