Page 1 of The Godfather’s Christmas Twins
When can I get the fuck out of here?
I spent the last nearly two months guarding Gia. I provided support and enacted plans that helped Nic usurp his father and take over as Don of the Nardone Family. I’ve done my job, and now I want to return to Las Vegas and live my life as I’ve lived it the last five years, running the Nardone crime syndicate in Nevada and not having to think of how I betrayed Nic and my vow to Gia’s mother.
Around me, everyone is in a festive mood. Gia’s four-year old twins, Daniella and Dario, are playing with one of the bazillions toys they received this Christmas morning. Nic is gushing over his young bride-to-be, Bella, whom he knocked up, and this morning, proposed to. I’ll be honest, I never saw that coming. Not that Bella isn’t a nice woman, but Nic was as committed to bachelorhood as I’ve been. Women just complicate everything. A lesson I learned the hard way five years ago when I fucked Gia Nardone.
I shake my head of the memory that haunts me, even more so over the last few weeks I’ve been forced to protect her. I focusmy gaze out the window, watching our men guard the premises, wishing something would happen so I'd have an excuse to leave.
“Unless there’s a specific threat, you need to join us to celebrate Christmas,” Nic says as he joins me by the window.
“Ever since you became Don, you’re bossier.” I hate that I sound like a jerk, but my nerves are coiled tight. After two months, I’m about to come apart and I don’t want to do that. I want to go home and put Gia behind me again.
“I earned it,” Nic says with an arch of his brow.
I glance at him. “With my help.” I was the one who sent men to ambush Paulie and Tommy at the airport when they captured Nic and prepared to deliver him to his father. I’m the one who networked within the family to solidify Nic’s rise to power in anticipation of Nic killing his father. I’m the one who ferreted out those who opposed Nic. And I did it all the while keeping an eye on Gia and her kids even as it gutted me to do so.
Nic pats my shoulder. “I’ll never forget that you saved my ass. That’s why I’d like you to enjoy life a bit.”
I roll my eyes. Love has made Nic a putz. “Ever since you found Bella, you think more about that?—”
“I’ve learned life is more fulfilling with a woman.”
I step away from the window and down my bourbon. It’s time I left. “I want to go back to Las Vegas.” It’s not the first time I’ve told him this, and I’m annoyed that he’s not sending me home.
“No. I want you here. Second in command. Vegas is running smoothly with Dominic.”
My jaw tightens. My gaze flits to the living area where Gia is talking to Bella while the twins play games. I’d be happy to stay and be Nic’s second, except being in New York means being around Gia.
“You don’t need me. Leo would be great as underboss?—”
“I want you. Unless you can give me a good reason that you have to go.”
“Fucking hell, Nic. I like it there. I do good for the business there.” I wince at my outburst. At least I didn’t tell him that being around Gia is making me crazy. Maybe I should. Maybe he’d send me away. Or maybe he’d kill me. Right now, I’d be okay with either.
He studies me. “Why do I feel like you’re running from something instead of toward something?”
I look down into my empty glass, wishing for a refill. “What does it matter why?”
“Because it does. You’re not just my most trusted friend, you’re my brother. I’m not out of the woods in getting the business straight. In keeping Gia and the kids safe. But I also care about you. If there’s something going on?—”
“If you care, you’ll let me go.” I stare at him, wanting him to see how serious I am.
He nods. “What if I need you?”
“Then call. But I need to get back there, Nic. Don’t make me stay, Don Cardone.” I use his official title, not out of respect but because I’m a dick.
He looks like he wants to punch me. “Okay. If you promise to come if I need you, then okay.”
I nod. “Thank you.”
“Now, come enjoy Christmas with the family.”
I check my watch. I have no place I need to be, but I need to get out of here. “Actually, I need to go.”
“What the fuck, Max?”