Page 4 of Selected By the Dragon Alien
The overseer stood taller than these beings. He held his dark, massive wings partly extended, making him appear even larger. Turi could only stare at the ripple of purple scales that shimmered over his shoulders. He wore snug black pants and no shirt. She imagined that was to keep his wings free of fabric, but the view was an astounding display of toned muscles and firm skin. Turi’s friends were as entranced as she was. This was probably the first good look any of them had had of the being who looked after them all. The overseer was far more handsomethan expected. Not that it mattered when her life, and those of her friends, rested in his hands.
His piercing silver eyes bored into the other male like daggers. He held his hands loose at his sides, but Turi caught a glimpse of lengthening claws as his stance shifted. The overseer looked as if he were going to fight these males. “Whatever your arrangement is with the Axis, find your ‘payment’ elsewhere. These lands are under my personal protection.”
The would-be abductor angled his weapon over his shoulder and snapped it into place on his back holster. “Now, now. I respect your jurisdiction here. There’s no need for us to squabble.”
“You’ve already caused problems,” said the overseer. “These people are to have no contact with off-worlders. It’s Directive Four, issued by the Axis.”
The leader bared his teeth in a horrible smile. “Well, if the damage is already done, let’s work out a deal. Areallof these females from this land you protect?”
The overseer’s gaze moved to the six of them. He looked them over with quiet consideration, then locked on Turi. She held his gaze, not because she was brave or defiant, but because she was frozen in it. Like being held in an embrace, she couldn’t have looked away if she’d wanted to. And she did, sort of, want to. This male was terrifying. At least, she’d been raised to see him that way, and his physical presence was nearly godlike in its size and authority. He communicated directly with the Axis, who was worshipped and feared by her people.
The overseer looked back to the alien male. “Let me see that contract.”
The other male made a grin-like expression with his snout and pulled a slim, clear datascreen from a pouch on his belt. “See for yourself.”
The overseer took the screen and read what was there with a frown, then handed it back. “This is unprecedented,” he growled. “I was not informed of this arrangement.”
“It’s a recent development. The Axis wasn’t able to procure our requested payment.” The male snapped his teeth. “As you can see, the contract is authentic.”
A muscle twitched in the overseer’s jaw. “Will they be harmed?”
This time, the brute let out a full laugh. “The fek if I know. They’re to be sold at the next auction on Falmic-5. Terian females fetch high credits.”
The overseer turned his gaze to Turi again. He raised a hand, fingers tipped with long claws, and pointed at her. Only her. “That one.”
The brute blinked. “What about her?”
“That female belongs to the land I protect.” His bright silver gaze shone with a metallic glint. “She stays.”
Female 224-E stood in the group of females like a defianterdlingunwilling to accept that she was cornered by predators. She clung to her friends’ arms with hands that still held a few strands of dead grass from her bridal crown. That future had been dashed the instant the Rashark ship came into view.
Ellion flexed his wings and turned to the raider captain. “Agreed?”
He scratched his long gray snout. “She cannot return to her people. Are you sure you want to take responsibility for her?”
“Yes.” He raised one brow, appearing in command, but in truth, the last thing Ellion wanted to do was fight this group of heavily armed Rashark raiders, especially since the Axis sanctioned this abduction. Andthatirritated him. These people were prisoners, but not currency. “When a Zaruxian places protection on someone, it is binding.”
The Rashark shrugged. “Very well. You may keep the one belonging to you. We get the others.”
Whimpers and cries arose from the group of females. They tightened their group, pressing together as if that would prevent them from being broken apart and taken. Ellion’s chest squeezed as he took in their fear. These females were sheltered. Despitetheir hard lives and often brutal treatment at the hands of their males, they had no idea how much worse their lives were about to get.
It was his responsibility to keep the Terians calm and productive. To make them continue their tasks and run their farms without uprisings or rebellions. He tried to keep them as comfortable as possible. But five of these females were no longer under his authority. The Rashark captain reached into the group of females, grasped 224-E—otherwise known as “Turi”—and dragged her from them.
Ellion watched as the females’ hands grasped out desperately, trying to keep their friend with them, and as she struggled to get back to them, too. Foolish of her, Ellion thought. Staying with them would take her to a much worse fate than staying with him. Well,maybe, he reconsidered. Life in his fortress wouldn’t be paradise, either, but at least she wouldn’t be sold into a brothel or chained to a despot’s throne as a pet.
The Rashark thrust Turi in Ellion’s direction and he caught her quickly before she could lunge back to her friends. Her body was taut as a wire as Ellion wrapped his arms around her. “Hold still,” he murmured in her ear. Her long dark hair brushed his skin. His claws pressed into her soft flesh—just a warning—and she stilled, but didn’t relax. Energy pulsed through her, sharp as a blade. Fear for her friends and herself came off her in waves. The smell of it was enough to make his stomach turn.
“Good doing business with you, Zaruxian,” said the Rashark captain as his raiders herded the terrified females toward their ship. They were crying. One appeared numb as she trod quietly along. Another hurled vicious insults to their abductors, each one more creative and vile than the last. It was impressive, actually.
“Our people will be here any moment,” said Turi. “They’re going to stop this.”
“No, they won’t.” Ellion withdrew his claws. “By the time your father and mate come for you, these raiders will be gone, and so will you.” He spread his wings, grasped the squirming female tighter, and kicked off from the ground.
Turi gasped and froze as they rose upward. “No,” she wheezed. Ellion’s grip was tight, but he couldn’t risk dropping her. She cried out as her friends disappeared from view. The Rasharks dragged them onto their ship. The ramp slid back up against the hull, and they prepared to depart. This was over. Five female Terians were going to auction on Falmic-5 and one would spend the rest of her life in his fortress. His arms were full of the female he’d chosen to favor four years ago and it was an odd sensation. He’d been alone for…well, as long as he could remember. He didn’t know anything different, but that was about to change. His heart beat differently at the thought of someone else living in his fortress. Another heartbeat to warm the rooms. Another voice to echo through the halls. Someone to talk to, but there would be fallout.
The inmates of Settlement 112-1wouldnotice. These females would be missed for their work and childbearing. Sooner rather than later, they would send their Riests to him for an explanation. He would have to answer their inevitable questions about why six females of breeding age disappeared. If he said they ran away, the remaining females at the settlement would face horrendous conditions as males took measures to prevent more runaways. The Axis would never allow him to tell them the truth—that they approved the abduction to pay a debt.