Page 26 of The Pucking Single Dad
“Hunter!” she yelled as she searched for him through the hotel room.
Hunter came as soon as he heard her yell. He feared that something was wrong, and for Luna, something was gravely serious.
“It finally happened,” she said to him sadly. “Look at this.”
She handed him her phone. Hunter looked at her phone and saw the numerous news alerts stating that he was in a new and serious romantic relationship with his nanny. What Luna had been fearing had finally come true. They were slandering her, him, and their relationship. Scandalous headlines reading, “Nanny sleeps with the boss,” “New nanny or mommy?” and “Hockey player finally gets over dead wife” were all over the Internet. Someone had captured a photo of him and her romantically embracing at the pool. It was clear from the photo that they were together, and now the whole world knew about their relationship. Everyone was talking about them just in time for their event later that day. He realized the hockey team’s event would not only be significant but also likely chaotic, and he was very glad that Adam was still too young to notice.
“What do we do?” Luna asked him.
She was worried. She was worried about her reputation. She was also fearful as to what this newfound publicity would do for them as a couple and a family. She did not know if it would tear them apart or bring them closer. She did not need to be famous to know what fame did to couples. Common sense told her this would not be easy. She took a deep breath. Hunter placed his hands on her shoulders.
“We weather it,” Hunter said calmly. “We weather the storm. I love you, and you love me. That is all that matters. We love each other, and you, me, and Adam are a great family unit. That’s all I care about. Who cares what they say?”
Hunter held the phone in the air, referencing the numerous articles about their relationship. He kissed Luna to help calm her nerves.
“Hold your head up high,” he said to her. “Let’s get ready for this event. All will be well. Do not worry, my darling.”
Luna took her phone from Hunter and walked back into the bathroom solemnly. She started to do her makeup. In between coloring her face, she read a new headline. “Has she slept with other dads?” and “Hockey player dates commoner” filled her cell phone screen. She was embarrassed and hurt. She feared that the world was going to think the worst of her. She tried to hold herself together, finished her makeup, and began to fix her hair.
When she had finally finished getting ready, she walked out of the bathroom in a long, emerald green dress. Her curves were elegantly accentuated by the fabric of her gown. She looked absolutely beautiful. Hunter’s eyes widened as she walked towards him.
“Well,” she stated nervously. “Well, what do you think?”
She twirled in the room as Hunter stared at her.
“I’m,” Hunter stuttered. “I am speechless, Luna. All I can say is that you are breathtakingly beautiful.”
Hunter looked handsome as well. His tuxedo showed off his broad shoulders. His strong jawline was highlighted by the black and white suit. He reached out his hand towards her.
“Are you ready?” he stated lovingly. “The babysitter is already taking care of Adam, so tonight it’s just you and me. There’sno one else here, and we don’t have to worry about anyone but ourselves,” he reassured her.
The couple said goodbye to Adam and the babysitter before they went on their way. A limousine waited for them outside the hotel. Luckily, they were able to sneak out before anyone noticed them. Luna knew this would not be the case when they arrived at the red carpet event. She took another deep breath and reached for Hunter’s hand. She needed his strength. She needed his support. She felt that as long as he stayed by her side, she could conquer her fears this evening.
By the time they arrived at the red carpet event, the flashing lights of photographers were overwhelming.
“It will be okay,” Hunter said to Luna before they got out of the limousine.
She nodded at him and held his hand even tighter. When they stepped out of the car, she heard various shouts and screams. The flashing lights continued to blind her.
“Over here, Hunter!” she heard a random person shout. “Let’s get a shot of you and your new girlfriend!” another person shouted.
The couple continued to walk the red carpet. Eventually, they stopped for one photograph. Every paparazzi member present at the event rushed to try and get a shot of them together. As soon as they stopped, the couple began walking again into the building. As soon as they entered the building, the noise and the lights settled. Luna looked around. There were various security members. This made her feel safer. The chaos stayed outside. Here, in the building, she could be herself again. She could just be herself with Hunter.
“I think our table is over here,” Hunter told her. He gently guided her through the crowd and found a table labeled sixteen.He let go of her hand to move her chair for her. Luna sat down and looked around. It seemed that she was in a room filled with many important people. She did not need to know who they were to know that they were rich, famous, and powerful people. She felt out of place.
Hunter began talking to the others sitting at their table. Various teammates and business owners who were looking to make business deals with the team sat with them.
“Luna,” Hunter said. “This is my teammate Robert and his wife, Stacey.”
The three of them shook hands with one another.
“Been quite a day, huh?” Robert stated with a laugh. “Don’t worry about the articles, Hunter. Just focus on the hockey season. Tomorrow, there will be something else newsworthy, and the paparazzi will move on.”
Hunter nodded in agreement. The attention did not seem to be bothering him. Perhaps he was used to it, but Luna was not. She waited for the waiter to bring them all a glass of wine. She took a sip of her drink as soon as it was placed in front of her. She hoped the wine would calm her nerves.
“I am going to go mingle,” Hunter said to her. “Will you be okay, or do you want to come with me?”
She thought that if she simply stayed at the table, she could blend in with the others and fade away from their minds.