Page 32 of Ribbons and Roses
“I’m not taking that chance,” interjects Dad stubbornly. He drops a kiss on top of my head. “It’ll be fine, Delphi. A quick drive into the town of Mount Halsey and then I’ll be back.”
“I’ll come with you,” Salvatore volunteers.
“You’ll miss Christmas morning with the kids,” I croak.
“You heard your father. We’ll be back soon.”
I’m not sure how to feel as I heave a deep sigh and then fold my arms. While I’m worried about Marcel, I’m more concernedwith the possibility Salvatore and Dad could go wandering off on Christmas morning. Not only could the holiday we’ve planned for be ruined, something else bad could happen.
I’m not sure what, but after the way our holiday trip has been veering off the rails, it wouldn’t be surprising.
Salvatore senses I’m upset. He waits ’til my father is out of the room before he pulls me aside. “You’re upset. You don’t want us leaving?” he asks. “Phi, you heard your father. It’ll be a quick drive.”
“Look out the window, Jon. It’s snowing out. The town is forty-five minutes away. That’s in decent weather.”
“I was trying to keep your father company. It wouldn’t be smart for him to go alone.”
Sighing, I unfold my arms. “I know what you were trying to do. But I don’t want either of you to go.”
“How about I send the security? They can do a quick drive into town and then report back.”
“Yes, please. And talk my dad out of going.”
He squeezes my shoulder. “Get the kids and bring ’em down. We’ll distract him with the present opening.”
Forty minutes pass, revealing Salvatore’s strategy was spot on. We’re seated around the den as the kids sit in a circle in front of the giant Christmas tree and take turns opening their presents. Dad fought to the bitter end against staying behind, but he was convinced once Dante waddled over and tugged on his pant leg.
He scooped the two-year-old right up and led him into the den to join his big brother and sister.
Salvatore took it as a sign to send the security into town in Dad’s place with instructions to report what they find.
Every so often I check my phone in case Marcel’s finally decided to answer us. The kids make their way through the large pile of presents. Serena’s distracted by the doctor’s kit she’s received. Her favorite stuffed bunny becomes her first patient.
Dante’s playing with a xylophone that Stitches gifted him.
Dominic and Bryce are in the middle of making plans for the action figures they’ve received.
Slowly, we move onto the adult presents, passing them among the five of us. I receive books from my reading wishlist from Dad and tickets to the theater from Stitches and Sasha. Salvatore gifts me a beautiful tennis bracelet that sparkles, and I can’t wait for the chance to wear it.
The others are confused when Salvatore opens my present and finds a Santa hat inside the box. He glances up at me with his left brow ticked slightly, awareness in his blue-green gaze.
I merely smirk at him and sip from my coffee.
“Oh… OHHHH!” Stitches blurts out as it dawns on him. “Mrs. Phi, very naughty of you, eh?”
The others around the room laugh.
Dad suddenly looks like he’d rather be distracted by the kids and their gifts again.
My face warms. “Stitches, you really can’t hold a secret for shit, can you?”
“Told ya!” Sasha chimes in.
We play Christmas music and break out some drinks like mulled wine and spiked eggnog. The children are eager to play and make use of the early afternoon.
“Any word from security?” I ask Salvatore.
He checks his phone and then shakes his head side to side. “They should’ve made it into town already. I’ll give Lev a call.”