Page 317 of The Hopelessly Bromantic Duet
A sensual sigh falls unbidden from my lips.
Did everyone hear that?
As Jillian’s voice booms across the living room, River snaps his head closer to me. “Did you just moan?” he whispers in my ear.
Busted. “Ummm.”
“Behave, Owen,” he says in a low voice for me only. “If you do, I’ll make you feel so good in just a little while.”
And I want River’s brand ofso good.
I want it so damn soon.
But I can also wait a little longer.
I’ve waited long enough for him like this, and now I have him. What’s another hour or so?
My friends deserve a little attention.
So I give it to them, playing the game until Tobey stands and announces that he’s got a good book to read. Nisha yawns, and Hailey says she needs to get her wife to bed.
Like dominoes, all the couples fall.
Holden gives the yawn performance of a lifetime, then heads down the hall with Reese.
Jones and Jillian skedaddle.
Steven and Brooks are off to the races.
TJ simply shakes his head, laughing. “Told you, O.”
“You did,” I say.
My friend gestures in the direction of River’s room, and mine. “Also, since you don’t need separate rooms now, how about I take Owen’s room, since then I won’t have to sleep on the couch?”
“Sounds like a most excellent plan,” River says.
I stand from the couch, stretching. “Are you going to stay up for a while, TJ?”
He nods, stretching out in the chair. “I have a book due to my editor. I’m feeling a little inspired by you two. You know how it goes with writers. We steal our friends’ stories.”
I know that’s not true for his big breakout book. That wasn’t anyone else’s story. It was his, it was true, and it didn’t end well in real life.
“And I have to say, the whole blurt-it-out-at-dinner bit? That’s a nice little twist,” TJ says.
“You don’t even have to steal it. You can have it,” I say.
River slides an arm around my waist but keeps his eyes fixed on TJ. “What will you call our story?”
TJ studies River, then me, then the two of us. “Hmmm. I’m thinking...The Bromance Zone.”
“Has a nice ring to it,” I say, and a minute later, I close the door to River’s room, and jerk him against me.
Then I kiss the fuck out of my boyfriend, even with my glasses on. It’s a hard, rough kiss. One that says I can finally have him. We can have each other.
It’s deep and passionate and will lead to one thing only.