Page 13 of Viking’s Naughty Elf
“Look at the size of that thing!” Ema exclaims as we stare at it together through the screen.
“It’s so beautiful,” I reply. “I don’t deserve it,” whispering the part I’m worried about.
“The hell you don’t!” she practically shouts, and I shush her because I left Rune sleeping in bed an hour ago.
He stayed up all night watching me write, read my article while I crashed, and then we spent what felt like hours making love. I woke him up twice more this morning, not noticing the ring until I made coffee.
“I’m not you, Ema. I didn’t go through hell with so many people and then land the man of my dreams.” Her eyes narrow on me.
“No, but you’ve spent how many years travelling to the worst places in the world so that people would see what was happening to innocent lives, and nearly lost your own at least three times that I know of, but probably more.” Her arms cross this time, and I roll my eyes.
“Someone had to do it,” I point out.
“There are hundreds of other reporters who do the same thing, but you always push the envelope, and I’m telling you that you deserve Rune and everything he’s offering because I know it’s more than just that ring. You are accepting it, right?”
“Of course!” I’ve never felt so close to anyone in my life. There’s an intimacy between us that goes far beyond sex. “We’re connected, Em.” She nods and gets this dreamy look on her face.
She knows exactly what I’m talking about because of Sebastian. That man’s obsessive love for my sister is overwhelming.
“When’s the wedding?” Her eyes light up, and excitement pinks up her cheeks.
“As soon as I can arrange it.” Rune’s sultry voice behind me makes me jump.
“You’re awake!” I cry out, spinning to wrap my arms around his neck and drag him down for a kiss. “Yes,” I murmur against his lips before drawing back. “Youwereasking, right?”
He snorts and rolls his eyes. “Little one, I’m not asking. It’s happening.” Tears spring to my eyes, and his face softens as he brushes my wild hair away from my face and cups my cheeks, tilting my head up to his. “You’re marrying me, having my babies, and letting me take care of you until we’re too old for this world.”
“Gross.” I hear my nephew’s voice and chuckle at him.
“Hi, Big D!” I turn to see him grinning. “Will you sit?” I ask Rune.
He picks me up and places me on his lap as we face my family together. “EmaLeigh, Damien, this is Rune. Rune, this is my little sister and best friend, and my favorite nephew. Chloe Junior and the twins are sadly napping.”
Before anyone can say anything, Damien snorts and says proudly, “I’m your only nephew, Aunty. How else would I be the favorite?” before taking off with a wave.
“When did he become such a smart ass?” I gape after the boy.
“Around the time Sebastian came into our lives.” Ema grins, not at all sad about it, and I don’t blame her.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ema. I have every intention of making an honest woman out of your sister.” Rune smiles.
“And giving me nieces and nephews to spoil, right?” My sister smirks as my jaw drops.
“Working on it now,” he counters, and her eyes widen with pleasure.
“Call me with the wedding details, and we’ll get the first flight we can.” She’s talking to Rune now, completely ignoring me.
“You got it. I’ll be in touch in the next week about it, so plan for soon.” After a quick goodbye, she’s gone, and the cabin is quiet.
“Where’s the baby’s room going to be?” I ask suddenly. I know he has an office on the main floor, but there’s not really space for children.
“We’ll begin expanding as soon as the weather warms up. I’ve already placed orders for lumber and other supplies we’ll need.” He’s so matter-of-fact about it.
“You’ve really thought this out.” I shouldn’t be surprised. Rune seems to be a planner, and I love that.
“I want to be ready. Even if it takes a while, I want to ensure everything will be prepared sooner rather than later.” His handmoves to my belly, and while I know it’s too soon to find out, my anticipation is out of control.
“I can’t wait for the babies and marriage and life we’re going to build together.” Leaning into him, he gives me the kiss I want and deepens it until we’re swept up in the moment and spend the day christening nearly every surface in the cabin.