Page 7 of Snowed In with My Ex
“I’mliterallyjust a girl!” I muttered, and for a beat, silence hit our cozy little two-bedroom Spanish rental before we started to giggle.
“That’s better.” She sighed, stroking my hair before pulling away. “I’m sorry that was insensitive,” she apologized. I shrugged it off and took a deep breath.
“It was sweet. You had good intentions. It’s not your fault I’m stuck.”
“Stuck on Mr. Stupid, huh?”
“Pretty much. Mr. Stupidly Hot,” I muttered. Hot and wonderful. “It’s fine.” I inhaled deeply and slowly let it out. “Everything will be fine.”
“Definitely,” she encouraged, squeezing me one more time before walking me over to the cake. Holding my hand, she looked at me. We were both short and curvy, but that was pretty much where our similarities ended. I was all dark hair and green eyes, while she had gorgeous red curls and bright blue eyes.
“Now, make a wish and blow out the candle,” she ordered. I blinked then glanced down at the cake and the candle that was slowly melting away before I looked back at her.
“I don’t know if this kind of cake necessarily gives you a wish, Pipe.”
“Pssh. Please! Any cake gives wishes if you concentrate hard enough,” she remarked, and my lips twitched. I had no idea what I would do without her.
“Fine,” I sighed, shutting my eyes.
For a moment, all I could see, all I could hope for, was the man I had let go. Win’s deep, soulful eyes. The lines at the edges that hinted at how much he enjoyed laughing. His broadshoulders and strong arms that, when wrapped in them, made you feel so safe and loved it took your breath away.I have never felt that way.Not with anyone.Not ever.
And as stupid and silly as it made me, I wished for the one thing I shouldn’t. I blew the candle out and opened my eyes. Piper already had two spoons in her hands and a great big grin on her face.
“Now we eat!” She winked and damn, I liked this plan of hers. We sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. “How was work?” she asked. I grunted before taking a big bite of the most delicious cake ever made.
“Not as good as this,” I murmured then moaned before taking another bite.
“Best cake ever.” She sighed happily. “Did that boss of yours give you a hard time again?” She knew exactly what I had been avoiding.
“Eh.” I shrugged.
I never got anyone’s attention. Ever. I was okay to look at, but I didn’t have men falling at my feet. I had lived my life flying under the radar. It wasn’t like my lack of height and curves particularly called anyone.Other than Win,a voice in my head whispered. But for some reason, my boss, or my boss’ son, seemed to be attracted to me. I had just started at the firm when I started dating Winston. The fact I had a boyfriend and that Winston Nash liked to make his presence known had steered my creep of a boss away.
But now that Win was gone, my boss had started to make a move again.
“He’s just…” I didn’t have the words to describe what Turner Hutchkins was. “Icky,” I finally said. “He found out Winston and I broke up,” I shared.
“I don’t know.” I sighed. “I think he overheard me talking to my mom in the breakroom.” Or maybe it was the fact that Winston hadn’t been around to pick me up for lunch the last four weeks, unlike he had done religiously when we were together.
“Shit,” she whispered. “Is he bugging you again?”
“He asked me to dinner.”
“Right?” I made a face. Turner Hutchkins was a walking, breathing HR nightmare. He was the reason sexual harassment cases existed. Too bad he was also the owner’s son of Hutchkins and Hutchkins Law Firm and seemed to think he was untouchable.
“It doesn’t matter. I don’t think I am going to stay there much longer.”
I had plans. Bigger ones.
Ones I knew if I stayed working where I was wouldn’t go far. The money was good, and the clients were a walk in the park, but it wasn’t what I wanted to practice. I had taken the corporate law gig because it was a great steppingstone. But my heart was in family law.
I wanted to help people.
Really help them.