Page 2 of Snowed In with My Ex
“You haven’t asked me to spend the night, either.” Like I needed the reminder. My jaw locked. I knew just how long it had been since I’d sunk into her sweet body. I knew down to the minute since I’d last tasted the heaven between her legs.
“Is there someone else?” she asked. Inside, I felt like she had gut-punched me, but I didn’t react. I didn’t blink. How could she even think that?
“I told you no,” I rumbled.
Acid burned inside of me. I couldn’t believe she could ask that. Not that I blamed her. From the moment we met, we had been insatiable for one another. Inseparable. There hadn’t been a day we shared when we hadn’t taken our fill of each other’s bodies. Until two weeks ago, when I realized I needed to rein in my need for her before I messed up Allie’s future.
“Are we done here? I have a meeting in ten.” The indifference in voice ate at me. I hated acting this way with her, but I was too damn weak to let her go. She had to push me away.
“Are we done…” Her brows bunched, and her eyes widened before they dropped to the ground. “Yeah.” She nodded, and I knew what she was going to say before she said it.
“We’redone, done.” It felt like I was bleeding out on the floor. “I’m sorry, Winston.” Her voice shook. My nails dug into my palm so hard I knew they drew blood. “This isn’t working out. Hope you… hope you have a good life.” Without sparing me another look, she walked out with her head held high. The moment she disappeared, I picked up the mug on my desk and threw it across my office, not giving a shit about the mess.
How could I?
I’d just fucked up my life.
“You looklike the world rests on your shoulders,” I said, standing at the doorway of his home office. He had gone up there for a file, but I had a feeling he forgot I was still at his place.
Nicholas Marsh, a man I knew better than my own blood brothers, shot me a look that would frighten most.
But I wasn’t most.
“Win,” he warned, but I simply shrugged him off and strode in. Sitting my ass down on the chair in front of his huge desk, I crossed my arms in front of me.
“Is it finally time?” I asked. Nick’s brows bunched like he didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about. His eyes bounced to the big wooden wall clock behind me.
“Time for what?” he asked.
I knew by the look on his face he was completely distracted. Probably trying to remember if we had something in the books, not that we did. He more than likely couldn’t think or focus. I knew all too well how that fucking felt.
“To talk about what you’ve been avoiding,” I pointed out. “Or are we still acting like you’re not in love?” I announced calmly. The poor sap had been in love with his son’s ex-girlfriend for waytoo long. And trying to hide it along the way. I watched a muscle under his eye tick, giving him away.
“I’m not—" he started to say, but when our gazes locked, he swallowed hard. His Adam’s apple bobbed heavily before he ran his fingers through what little hair he had left. “What makes you think I’m in love?” I couldn’t help myself. Despite being broken-hearted, I laughed.
“Really? That’s what we’re going with?” Fuck, it felt good to laugh. It had been two weeks since I’d had anything to smile about, much less laugh about. Two weeks since I had let Allie walk out of my life and all the color in it seeped out with her.
“Win, I’m tired.” He sighed.
“Yeah, I bet. But imagine how I must feel?” I said, and the motherfucker had the audacity to scowl.
“What do you mean?”
“See, my best friend, one of the best guys I know, hmm-ing and ha-ing for what has it been? A year? Almost two?”
“Tell me I’m imagining shit, that I’m way off base here, and I’ll drop it. This conversation never happened, and I will apologize for sticking my nose in your business,” I laid out because I was done pussy-footing around this shit. If only one of us could be happy, he deserved to be. He still had a chance. Not like my dumb ass. He needed to grab it with both hands and never let it go.
“What gave me away?” he finally asked.
“Well, first off, you forget that I was there when you first met her.”
“Who?” he dared, and my lips twitched.
“Noah’s ex.” Nick winced.