Page 35 of Beast's Wife
“You never could, sir,” Andy said. “We all stand by you.”
He looked toward Morgan again. He’d been taking her shooting for an hour every day. She hated leaving Roxy at home, but he wouldn’t take the dog to practice. She was already too much of a distraction inside the house. Also, Morgan was a terrible shot. She could fire a gun, but she had not gotten many targets. At best, it had been one in ten. Today had been a fluke, as she got two out of five. But she’d not been able to repeat it.
He looked at her, seeing how sweet and kind she was with Roxy. Morgan was going to make an amazing mother. He knew it was only a matter of time before she got pregnant, if she wasn’t pregnant already. She wasn’t taking anything to stop conception, and he wasn’t wearing condoms, nor was he slowing down when it came to feeling her wrapped around his cock.
Fucking Morgan, making love to her, spending time with her, was his favorite thing to do, and Carver wasn’t used to having favorite things or favorite people. This was all new to him.
“Look, there’s Daddy,” Morgan said, catching his eye.
“Daddy?” he asked.
Morgan giggled. “Yep, Daddy. He will love and protect you always, won’t you, Daddy?”
“Yes,” he said.
And he meant it. He’d love and protect Morgan and Roxy, along with any children they might have for the rest of their lives.
Chapter Eleven
Morgan looked out across the gardens, holding onto Roxy as she watched the snow coming down. She’d watched the forecast last night, and knew snow was due. It had come a little early.
Thanksgiving was around the corner, and she and Carver had already celebrated their first Halloween. She had to get Andy to agree with her to organize a load of pumpkins, as well as buy him a costume. Carver had never dressed up for Halloween. She hadn’t either, and she rather like that they were having new experiences together.
She got all of Carver’s employees to agree to attend a Halloween party. She decorated several rooms of the house, to surprise Carver. The kitchen staff organized the food, all of them got their own costumes, and she even got one for little Roxy.
On Halloween day, Carver was out of the house as they put the last of the finishing touches to the place. When he arrived home, he’d stepped through the door and she immediately asked him to trust her. He’d hesitated but then allowed her to put a blindfold over his eyes then guide him upstairs. She didn’t want him to spoil the surprise. The moment she got them to the bedroom, he uncovered his eyes, and then looked at her.
She spent all afternoon using the tools he’d gotten her to look like a witch. A very sexy witch, just for him, and, well, she’d gotten him a vampire costume, to show off that expansive chest. Morgan loved it. Carver had looked at her costume and smiled, but then she pointed at his, and he’d told her straight upno.
She’d begged him and then held Roxy out, asking him if she looked cute. Once Carver agreed she did, she’d then asked him to please have some fun with her for their very first Halloween together.
Morgan didn’t know what did it for him to finally cave and agree, and she didn’t have a problem because it actually worked, and he changed into the vampire costume. They had an amazing night.
Roxy was a little firecracker, barking and yapping at people’s ankles, not biting, though. She danced with Carver, and even had a dance with Andy.
Andy thanked her for giving Carver a life, for being someone he could trust. She didn’t know what she’d done to earn that, because as far as she was concerned, she didn’t do anything, but Andy believed otherwise. She wasn’t going to argue with him. Whatever it was, she was glad to have done it.
She loved Carver. She didn’t have any wealth, so there was nothing physical she could have given him. In fact, there was nothing she could give him that he couldn’t get himself. But, that didn’t mean she couldn’t try.
Halloween had gone into November, and now they were less than a week away from Thanksgiving, and Morgan had some news for Carver. She didn’t quite know how to say it to him. There were a couple of things she wanted to say, but the timing and everything seemed off.
No one was saying anything, but she sensed a difference in the people who lived in the house. Even the maid, Flora, who didn’t like to chat, seemed more tense than usual.
Morgan had come to know all the people that lived with Carver. They each had their own story to tell. Some were happy to tell, like August, the kitchen chef. One of his eyes was missing, and because he didn’t want to cook for Romone, the man intended to take the chef’s eyes. There was no way he could cook without being able to see. Carver saved August, saved his eye, and brought him back here. Since then, August had not left. The house was large enough for all of them.
In a strange way, they were a family without being afamily.
Carver had become a beast to so many people, and yet to a few, he’d become their protector, their guardian angel. He provided for them, paid them, and took care of them. Carver was a true angel.
She kissed the top of Roxy’s head.
“Don’t you think we should go and find Daddy?” Morgan asked. “I think it is best we go and find him, don’t you? We can show him your turkey sweater, which is so cute.”
She took a step, then another one, and then tensed up as she heard it. The house seemed to go still as not just one gunshot, but several went off. Morgan looked outside but couldn’t see anything. Holding Roxy to her chest, it had been a long time since she heard a gunshot. All of those she practiced with were not like this. She expected those gunshots because she’d been firing the weapon to get them.
She tried not to panic as she rushed toward the kitchen. There was no one there. No sign of August, or Steve, the guy who helped prepare the vegetables.
“What are you doing?” Flora asked, grabbing her and pulling her behind one of the kitchen counters.