Page 21 of Beast's Wife
Carver took a step toward her then another one. “Do you think I’m not coming back?”
“A lot of people want you dead.”
“And it has been that way for a long time.”
“But it doesn’t make it right and I don’t want to…”
“Don’t want to what?” he asked.
“Lose you,” she said. “I kind of like you, Carver.”
He finally closed the distance between them, and she let out a gasp as he picked her up as if she weighed nothing.
“You’re filthy,” he said.
He didn’t say another word. He didn’t suggest that he’d change that. Carver carried her back to the house, and he took her straight to his en-suite bathroom. But, he didn’t put her in the shower. Instead, he lowered her into the tub and used theshowerhead attached to the bathtub to start washing her off.
She let out a gasp, as he also removed the clothes she wore. There was mud everywhere. She might have gotten herself a little muddier than she anticipated.
Carver was tempted to leave her, to go and get them both a drink of hot chocolate, or coffee. After stripping her completely naked and removing the dirt, he had to clean the tub before filling it with warm, hot, soapy bubbles.
Morgan was now back in the bathtub, somewhat clean. Her cheeks were a nice rosy red, and the flush to her body was so damn inviting.
He decided to leave the drinks. They could drink later. He stripped out of his clothes and stepped into the water at the opposite end to join her. She didn’t protest. She rested her head on her hand and stared at him. It was more of a glare, but he could deal with her annoyance as he found it cute.
“You know, you didn’t answer me,” she said.
He loved that she wasn’t afraid to challenge him. To anyone else, he would assume they had a death wish. With Morgan, he knew it was because she couldn’t help herself. He didn’t want his wife to be afraid of him. There was no fun in having her fear him.
“What answer are you looking for?” he asked.
“Will you let me know when you have to leave?” she asked.
“I do not need you to offer me goodbye.”
“But I want to,” she said. “Look, I know it’s corny but it is what normal wives do for their husbands, and it is what I would like to do for you.” She sighed. “Forget about it.”
He looked at her, curious. “You want to be a normal wife?”
“I know that is not going to happen. There is nothing about this that is normal. The groom doesn’t kill the bride’s family after the wedding.”
“I doubt the groom has to take care of his very sick and delusional wife immediately after the wedding either,” he said.
She nodded.
“It doesn’t mean we can’t have a normal … everything else. I know that is a stretch.” She sighed. “Forget I ever said anything.”
Carver liked her. Her family hadn’t destroyed that fire in her eyes.
“Come here,” he said.
She glanced over at him, and he saw the battle within her. She wanted to tell him hell no, but at the same time, she wanted to move closer to him. He saw the battle, and waited.
She moved through the water, and he helped her to straddle his waist. His cock was hard as rock. Last night had been a true challenge of his restraint, because all he’d wanted to do was bend her over the nearest surface and take her hard and fast.
The first time was not going to be easy, and he planned on taking that sweet cherry all for himself.