Page 12 of Beast's Wife
“He’s had to take care of some business for now.” Andy nodded his head.
“What was it?” Morgan asked.
She couldn’t help but tense up as she looked at him, expecting him to hurt her in some way. She was tempted to close an eye, brace herself for the impact, but she kept them both open. Then, all she wanted to do was cheer the fact she’d not flinched too badly from him.
“I’m sure Carver will explain everything when he gets here,” Andy said, and with that, he spun on his heel and left.
She wanted to ask him a lot more questions, but instead she sat alone at a table laden with food. Her appetite faded, but she knew later she’d be starving, and she’d not gotten thecourage yet to venture into the kitchen for extra food.
She couldn’t help but wonder if all of this was a ruse designed to keep her in a false sense of security, and when the time came, he was going to suddenly attack her. It wasn’t the nicest of thoughts she had about their upcoming relationship, but it was one she couldn’t help but have.
Looking at the table of food, she opted for some toast, slices of avocado, tomatoes, some sausage, bacon, and then she went for a tall glass of water.
She was finishing the last of her sausages when Carver finally appeared, and much to her surprise, his shirt was sprayed with blood. Morgan sat, staring at him, not quite sure what to say or do. He sat down, and she glanced at his hands, which were pristine.
“Good morning,” she said.
Carver turned toward her and simply nodded his head.
She waited, wanting to ask questions, but also terrified in case she angered him, and conversion might not be what he wanted.
Pressing her lips together, she watched as he reached for some breakfast. Like always, he took some bacon, sausage, eggs, and toast. His hands didn’t shake. He was in total control.
“What happened?” Morgan asked.
She tensed up once again, expecting a blow to come, and yet, none did.
Carver took a bite of his sausage, chewed several times, and then turned toward her. “We had a home invasion last night,” he said.
“We did?”
“Someone decided to scale the wall and land on my property. By someone, I mean two people, but you don’t have to worry, I have already taken care of it.”
“And we don’t need to worry?”
“No, it is taken care of.”
“Why would someone do that?”
“They had a job to do,” Carver said, with a shrug of his shoulders.
“What kind of job?” Morgan knew she was pushing her luck. She was asking more questions than she was supposed to.
Carver looked toward her. “Kill me.”
She gasped. “No, that cannot be possible. Why would they want to kill you?” she asked.
He burst out laughing. “You do know who I am, right?”
“But, isn’t that the point? You’re someone that scares everyone. Who would even dare try to kill you? Who would even want that to happen? You wouldn’t allow that to happen.”
His laughter turned to a chuckle. “I like your confidence in me.”
“It’s not confidence. I’ve seen the way people react when someone says your name. People are afraid of you, and for good reason.”
She looked at him, and he stared back at her.
“Is none of it true?” she asked.