Page 152 of The American (Unlawful Men)
“Oh my God.” I turn in my seat, watching the line of deadly killers move out onto the road, and all hell breaks loose. I cover my ears, watching them fire at the Audi as it picks up speed, screeching away, swerving, tires screaming and burning.
I return forward, staring at the house. What have I done? Why did I lead him to the mansion? I should have told Fury. I should have had him drive away from their home.
I startle when Fury drops back into the driver’s seat. He doesn’t say a word. Just starts the car and drives me calmly toward the house. “Get something to eat,” he orders, getting out.
I open the door and slowly drag myself from the car, looking back down the driveway. The gates are now closed. Everyone is walking back toward the house.
Danny comes to me, rubbing my shoulder. “You all right?” he asks.
The guilt flares. “Yeah,” I breathe. Lie.
“I got the license plate.” James is on his phone. “Sending it to Otto.”
I walk into the house, stopping and listening to the noise coming from the kitchen. Rose. I walk to the door and see her fussing over Daniel. “Call me when you land,” she says as he rolls his eyes. “And school work before jet skiing or Xboxing.”
“Yes, Mom.”
I back out and carry on to the stairs, seeing Danny and James with Barney’s dad, words being spoken quietly, hands being shaken. “She will leave you both alone now,” Danny says.
“Dare I ask what you did?” Lennox asks.
Danny smiles, and it’s wicked. “I heard your house burned down.”
“Oh Jesus,” Lennox breathes. “You framed her?”
“You’re welcome.” Danny’s smile falters as he spots me at the bottom of the stairs. “You sure you’re all right?”
I nod and head to my room, and finding the biggest bag, I stuff it with as much as it will carry and as much as I can manage.
My lip wobbles the entire time.
It’s over.
He’s found me.
* * *
I brush down the front of my new suit. “Pay five thousand fucking dollars for a suit, and it’s covered in lint?” I mutter, scowling at the lapel as I walk through the hotel lobby.
“Mr. Black, can I help with that?” Jeeves asks, coming at me with a lint roller.
I look at him, exasperated. “What the fuck’s going on with this?” I ask. I feel like a magnet for every bit of dust in the air.
“It’s the material, sir,” he explains, rolling up and down my sleeve. “Static.” He moves back and smiles at my finely clad form. “Very smart, sir. Special occasion?”
“Yeah, I’m meeting my son,” I say quietly, sinking one hand into my trouser pocket and walking away. And telling everyone I’m in love with Pearl. I might kill someone too. “Thanks, Jeeves.”
“Anytime, Mr. Black.” But perhaps never again.
I text Danny to let him know I’m on my way to the club.
Oh good. You’ve left the pity party. You missed a shoot-out, and I’m pretty sure Maggie chuckled for the first time.
What was she chuckling at?
Daddy’s machine gun
I believe it.
And the shoot-out?
Fury had an Audi tail him back to the house.
I skid to a stop on my dress shoes. With Pearl in the car? “The fuck?” I breathe, my thumbs hovering over the screen, not knowing what to say.
That’s a negative. Where are you?
“Fuck,” I hiss, squeezing my cell, lifting it to my lips and biting at the corner.
Heading to Hiatus.
I’ve just dropped Benson and the kids off at the airfield. Meet you at the club.
I call Otto. He doesn’t answer. So I call him again. Nothing. And again. “Come on,” I snap, texting him, telling him to fucking answer or die. I don’t have a chance to call him again. He calls me.
“I’m kind of in the middle of something here,” he growls on a whisper.
“What?” What could be so important he wouldn’t take my call when I’m dialing him off the hook? Wait . . . “Oohhh,” I breathe. “Did she say yes?”
“I don’t know because I haven’t fucking asked her yet, because every fucker in the world keeps interrupting me, this time you. Danny with his bratty protests, Rose wanting to know where the washing powder is, the waiter wanting to know what we want to fucking eat and drink.”
“Tell me one thing before you go back to your romantic date.”
“Did you find him?”
“Yeah, I’ll call you when I’m done.” He hangs up, and I ponder who the fuck was following Fury?
“Brad Black?” someone says, pulling my attention to my left. I look the guy up and down, not sure I’m liking what I’m seeing. Tall. Smart and clearly trying to be. “Or should I call you The American?”
“Who’s asking?”
He sniffs, wiping his nose with the back of his hand. “I heard you’re looking for a supplier.”
“From whom?”
“Does it matter?”