Page 130 of The American (Unlawful Men)
“No, Pearl,” he grates.
I slide my hands onto his bare arse, pushing him down into me. “Please,” I whisper, kissing the corner of his mouth. He grunts under his breath, his head hanging.
“Don’t beg me. I don’t ever want to hear you beg.”
“Then give me what I want.”
I’m so fucking confused. “Why?” I ask. I won’t ask if he doesn’t want me, because I can feel his want. I won’t ask if he’s struggling with my recent sexual status. Recent until he solved that problem for me. We’ve been at it all week. “Brad, I don’t understand.” I push into his chest, hearing him sigh. “Look at me.” Lifting his heavy head, he lays his forearms on the mattress and gives me his eyes, laughing under his breath, blinking lazily, his lashes too pretty for a killer.
“I’m looking at you, Pearl,” he says quietly, dropping a kiss on my lips.
“What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” His chest expands with his deep inhale. “I wanted to have myself checked out.”
“Checked out?” I ask, my mind obviously dragging.
He peeks up at me. “I’ve been with a lot of women, gorgeous.”
“Ohhh,” I breathe, clicking.
“And you have been with no one. I didn’t want to risk spoiling you.”
I press my lips together, so stunned but equally happy. He cares.
“It felt so good in the shower,” he whispers, scanning my face, taking a lock of my hair and twirling it. “I’ve never cared enough before to go down that rabbit hole.”
“You care?” I whisper.
“Yeah, I care.” He drops my hair and drags his finger across my bottom lip, kissing it. “I really fucking care, Pearl.”
My inhale is shaky. “I really fucking care too.”
He smiles, sinking his face into my neck, and I wrap every limb around him, squeezing, hoping to stick myself to him forever. Because he cares.
I’ve never cared enough before to go down that rabbit hole.
For someone so brusque and hurtful a few weeks ago—a week ago—he’s thoughtful and caring now. For me. With me. And it makes me pause and consider what this blissful emotion that I’m feeling is.
It’s more than simply fucking caring.
I’ve never been in love before.
But I’m sure it must feel like this.
* * *
I don’t know what the fuck is going on here. But it feels good. I don’t want to leave, but there’s shit to deal with as soon as Danny has pacified Rose. It’s a full-time job these days.
“I’ve got to go,” I whisper into her neck, and she nods but doesn’t release me. “I’ve got to go,” I repeat softly. Another nod. “Pearl, my love, I’ve got to go.” She squeezes harder, and I smile against her skin, sucking her flesh into my mouth, probably marking her. Don’t care. I fight against her resistance to keep me close, pulling away. “What are you doing today?” I take in every detail of her face.
“I haven’t thought about it,” she says.
“Good. Don’t.”
“Because you’re not leaving the house,” I say, ripping the Band-Aid off and getting off the bed. Should I tell her she’s going to St. Lucia? I fasten my jeans, pouting at her nakedness. Let’s see how the land lies with Danny and Rose first. It’ll be easier to tell Pearl she’s going if she’s going with a willing Rose. I plant my fists into mattress and lean down for a kiss.
“Why can’t I leave the house?” she asks. There’s no indignance, only interest.
“Because I said so.”
On a sigh, she crawls up and kneels, resting her ass on her heels, taking my face in her palms and kissing me gently. “Okay.”
This is good. Compliance. It’s what I need right now.
“Can I use your shower?”
“You just had one.”
“Want to join me?”
I scowl at her tactics and break away, leaving before I succumb to temptation, heading to Nolan’s room. I knock, poking my head around the door. He’s sitting up in bed and Doc’s checking his leg. When he sees me, his eyes widen. He thinks I’m here to tear him a new asshole again. Doc looks back. “Morning, Brad.”
“How’s he doing?” I ask, wandering to the bed.
“Getting there.” He pops some painkillers on the nightstand. “I don’t want to see you without those crutches.”
Nolan nods. Eyes on me.
“You going to the boatyard again today?” I ask.
He nods.
“I’ve given Ella the night off.”
Wide eyes again.
“That’s not a green light to overexert yourself,” I add, picking up Doc’s bag for him. I’ve seen Ella’s worry. Seen Nolan’s despondency. Who the fuck am I to stop two people from being together? I don’t like seeing him like this, and if Ella can fix that, so be it. Because I obviously can’t. “She can give you a hand at the boatyard.”
Nolan’s face is a picture of confusion as he nods mildly. What’s with him? Did he hit his head when he was run down? I cock him a questioning look, wondering where his gratitude is, as I take Doc’s shoulder and walk him out.