Page 69 of The Rising (Unlawful Men)
“Bon appetite,” I say, and he marches off, grunting something at Goldie as he passes her, to which she snarls at his back.
Then follows him out.
“I’ve got shit to do,” Brad says, slipping down off the stool. “Catch you motherfuckers later.”
“Don’t be too late getting home,” Danny calls. “You need to tuck the kids up in bed.”
Brad’s middle finger appears over his back, and Danny chuckles, turning back toward the bar. “All right, back to—” He looks past me, his face interested. “Ooh. So who’s this, then?”
I crane my neck to look over my shoulder. And balk. “Oh fuck,” I breathe, facing Danny again. How the hell did she find me here?
I lift my eyes and find raging curiosity staring back at me. “I used to fuck her.” I wave a hand dismissively because my statement deserves that kind of detachment. “While her husband watched.”
Danny barely flinches. Because, of course, thanks to Beau and Rose sharing everything, he knows more about me than I’m probably comfortable with. But I know a shit load about him too, so we’re on equal ground. “Cozy,” he says, looking past me again. “Which one?”
“The blonde one. Beth. I don’t know who the brunette is.”
“Oh, Beth. I don’t see a husband.”
Danny’s observation doesn’t bode well. Why has Beth been calling me?
“So this is the woman Beau walked in on you fucking?”
“Yes.” And, worse, I knew she was watching, but that was before I knew what Beau would become to me. Life. Freedom. Love. I inhale when I feel a hand land on my forearm, and look down at the long, painted nails. Nothing like Beau’s short, bare nails. I look at the suit Beth’s wearing, probably designer. Nothing like the ripped jeans and baggy shirts Beau’s sports most days. Then up at her perfectly styled and sprayed blowout. Nothing like Beau’s wild blonde waves. And finally to her polished, makeup covered face. Nothing like Beau’s natural, makeup-free skin. Why the fuck am I comparing? One woman means nothing to me. The other means the fucking world. Hell, heaven, and everything in between.
“James,” she purrs, her voice as delighted as her eyes. “It’s been too long.”
I beg to differ. I can feel Danny’s interested stare jumping between us, his body comfortable, settling in for the show. “What are you doing here?” I ask.
“Girls’ night out.”
“At a strip club?”
“Actually, my friend’s sister works here. We’re picking her up.” She smiles. That’s mighty convenient. But also very possible. “How have you been?”
I move my arm from her reach and resist asking Mason for an antibac wipe, but when I catch his eye, polishing a glass looking on with interest, I wonder if he might offer one without prompt.
How have I been?
Glorious. Dire.
Elated. Miserable.
Stable. Crazy.
“What can I do for you, Beth?” I ask, deciding nothing but directness will work here, and I know Beth is accustomed to boldness. Just not the kind I’m adopting now.
“Just seeing how you’ve been,” she says, easy-breezy.
“Is that why you called him too?” Danny pipes up, pulling my attention his way, as well as Beth’s and her friend’s, who I notice now is eyeing Danny. Thank fuck the girls aren’t here. It would be a bloodbath. Or would it? I know Rose wouldn’t react too kindly to another woman all over her husband, even if it’s just her eyes on him, but what about Beau? Is she even capable of caring? Does she have the capacity? Would she even really fucking care? I jerk away from that thought before it sends my mood lower.
“Danny,” he says, as way of introduction, without offering his hand. “A friend of James.”
“I’m Violet,” the brunette replies, thrusting her hand toward Danny. “Pleased to meet you.”
Danny doesn’t look at her, but looks at her hand briefly, leaving it hanging, then returns his eyes to Beth, and the brunette, Violet, awkwardly withdraws her offering.
“I don’t remember you,” Beth says.
“James and I have only recently reconnected.” He smiles, and it makes me laugh on the inside. He’s being protective. Not of me, but of Beau. Is it wasted? “Through our better halves,” he adds, taking a drink casually after coolly dropping that information.
“Oh?” Beth breathes.
“I understand you’re married,” he goes on, ignoring her reaction. I’m now settling in for the show. Beth’s not exactly unbearable, but not exactly tolerable either, unless she’s gagged, of course.
“Was.” She looks at me. “I was married. We separated recently.” Her back straightens, her chest pushing out, an air of superiority coming across.
“Shame,” Danny grunts, making her inhale, as if gathering patience.
She turns toward him and smiles. It isn’t sincere. “Would you mind giving us a moment?”
Naturally, Danny looks at me, his drink at his lips, and I nod, just wanting to get this done with and get Beth out of here. Danny leaves, the brunette following, biting at his heels, and Beth takes his stool, calling for a wine. I don’t know why; this will be over before Mason pours it. “Again, what can I do for you, Beth?”