Page 185 of The Rising (Unlawful Men)
She just tilts her head and raises her brows. I roll my eyes and go to her. Plan B better work, because Plan C is the truth, and that means our shower just now will have been the last time I fucked my wife. I take her arm and tug her to the bed, sitting her on the end and kneeling before her. And because I’m a cunt, I pull her legs apart and drop my mouth into her pussy, sucking on her clit on a salacious smile when she drops to the bed.
I work efficiently, slipping my fingers inside of her, hooking them up, making sure I get her sweet spot as I massage, bite, kiss, lick her nub of nerves, flicking my tongue quickly when her back arches and she gathers the sheets in her fists.
Okay. So this wasn’t part of Plan B but I’m not the kind of man to pass up these kinds of opportunities.
She comes all over my face on a high-pitched, broken moan, and goes lax beneath me. I crawl up her body and trap her beneath me, kissing her, sharing her release. “You need a wax,” I say, smiling when she snorts over a laugh. “It’s a bit prickly down there.”
Her head shoots back, her laughter addictive. I take the opportunity and pay some attention to her throat, her jaw, until I’m plunging my tongue into her mouth again. “Why would I want to go to a spa when I get all the pampering I need right here at home?” she asks.
“Can you trust me?”
She groans, and I know I have her. “Danny, please.” She holds my head and looks at me, and I hate the fear I see in her eyes. “Every time you ask me to trust you, epic shit goes down.”
“Yes, but we always come out the other side, baby,” I remind her, praying she hears me. I can’t tell her anything about Amber. She will lose all reason. “Today’s just meetings, I promise. James and Beau aren’t great. If she pulls one of her disappearing stunts again, it could fuck everything up, Rose. We’re getting somewhere here. Not only is she in danger every time she galivants off around town, but James is also distracted. I need his head on straight today.”
She loses all fight before my eyes and deflates. “You actually think Beau will accept my offer to be pampered all day? Have you ever met such an ungirly woman in your life?”
“True. But I have every faith in you.” I slam a kiss on her lips. “Make it work,” I say, nipping her lips.
“Yeah, yeah. What about Daniel?”
“He’s out for the day with Tank and Barney.”
She laughs. “Fucking hell, you really are desperate.”
“Rose,” I warn.
“Wait. Lennox agreed to let Barney hang out with Daniel? Even after the newspaper article?” Her eyes narrow. “What did you do to convince him, Danny?”
I smile on the inside. “I was as nice as pie.”
She snorts. “A British flavored pie?”
I don’t want to talk about Lennox Benson. I saw the way he looked at my wife. So I get up, ignoring her, and look down my front. My cock is jutting out. Gluttonous. I peek up at Rose, my eyebrow high.
“I have a spa day to get ready for and a few friends to convince to come with me.” She gets up and saunters off, leaving me with a raging erection. She stops when she gets to the door, looking back. Her playfulness has vanished.
“I’ll be careful,” I say before she can demand it.
A nod, a swallow, and she disappears into the bathroom.
By the time Brad, James, and I make it Hiatus, it’s past noon, a good thing because I could do with a drink. We enter from the back, and I wave to Mason who has a Scotch on the bar for me where Goldie, Otto, Nolan, and Ringo are lined up.
Mason doesn’t only have a Scotch for me, he has one for Brad too. And a vodka for James, who physically heaves and turns away from it. I smile as I take a sip. I should have sent him to the spa with the girls, because he doesn’t look like he’ll be of much use to us.
I take a stool and drag it away from the bar so I’m in front of the others. “What’s up?” I ask, detecting a bit of tension.
“Tell them,” Ringo says, his big, suited arms folded over his chest, his eyes on Nolan.
I look at Nolan.
“A cop staking out over the road,” he tells me. “She was there when I left last night and here this morning at seven when I took a delivery.”
Collins. James leaves us and walks to the entrance of the club, disappearing for a few moments before coming back, shaking his head. “The cameras?” he asks Otto.