Page 14 of The Rising (Unlawful Men)
I open my eyes and find him on his knees. His gaze soft. His mouth straight. His eyes glowing.
His hand held up.
And on his pinky finger, halfway down, sits a diamond ring.
I breathe out and find his eyes. “James,” I whisper. “I—”
“I’ll always catch you, Beau.”
I melt at my very own hard assassin being so romantic and soft, and lower to my knees, joining him. “That’s all I need.”
“Are you saying no again?”
My eyes pass between James and the ring. “Why do you want to get married?” I ask.
He considers that for a few moments as he regards me closely. “My mother was my father’s light,” he says quietly, an edge of sadness in his deep voice. “And he always followed the light.” His eyes become glazed, and my heart splits. “You are my light, Beau. And I would follow you to the ends of the earth.” He takes my right hand and slips the ring onto my finger. “It can stay there until you see the light,” he says, smiling down at my hand.
“Was this your mother’s ring, James?” I ask.
He doesn’t answer. He just takes my nape and pulls me onto his mouth, kissing me hard and meaningfully. His sentiment is beautiful. Except I don’t think darkness is avoidable in our world. And as we’ve both learned, and how we were both drawn to each other, darkness entices darkness. “Stay in the light with me, Beau,” he begs, kissing my lids, my nose, my cheeks, my forehead. “It’s all I ask.”
I can only try. “We’ll be late,” I whisper, pulling away and running my fingers through his hair. James nods and stands, pulling me up with him. He gets my purse and hands it to me, and my cell inside starts ringing. I know who it’ll be, and I can’t avoid him forever, but I’ve done a good job since that painfully uncomfortable day Dad got caught up in our world. The explosion. His funny turn. His girlfriend, Amber, showing up at the mansion. I’ll never forget Rose’s face when we walked into the TV room and found her on my father’s arm. Or my dad’s face when he finally comprehended not only my unwavering decision to be with James, but also the fact that his girlfriend was a gold-digging whore who used to service Danny and his men. I flinch on my friend’s behalf. And, oddly, my father’s.
I answer as James collects my shoes. “Dad,” I say on an exhale I’m sure he will detect.
“Beau, it’s been weeks.”
Weeks. There was a time when months would pass without seeing or hearing from my father. James crouches before me and puts one of my sandals at my feet, and I hold his shoulder as he brushes the sand off before letting me slip my foot in. “How are you?” I ask. I took no pleasure in how embarrassed he was. How foolish he had been. I love my father, but he’s hardly God’s gift. A little overweight, a lot arrogant, but he’s loaded and that appeals to women of a certain variety. He was always going to be a target. A part of me wonders if he regrets betraying Mom. If he wished he’d never been so blinkered and left her for a younger model. I hope he does. I fear my hope is in vain.
“Better than I was,” he says. “I’m dating.”
Well, that answers my question. “You’re dating,” I parrot, lifting my other foot for James as he looks up at me on a disbelieving shake of his head. “How lovely.” How old is this one? James fastens the small buckle on my sandal and rises, taking the wine off the wall.
“And I’m running for mayor.”
“What?” I blurt. “Mayor?” James eyes widen, his mouth falling open.
“I admit, Beau, the competition is pretty stiff. That Monroe Metcalfe is quite popular.”
And, oddly, so is my father. But the public don’t know him like I know him. They see a businessman, one that gives to charity and serves his community. What the hell do I say to this news? “Good luck,” I murmur, hoping and praying he doesn’t think he’ll be using me as tool in his campaign. I highly doubt it, now he’s met James. In fact, he’ll be doing everything he can to avoid the public finding out who I’m dating.
“Thank you, darling. Let’s do dinner. At my place. I’ll cook spaghetti like I did when you were a little girl.”
I notice he’s not suggesting we go out in public. “Sounds lovely. I’ll call you.” I hang up.
“He’s running for mayor?” James says, stunned.
“Yep. Mayor Hayley. Mayor Hayley with a daughter who’s dating an assassin.”
“He doesn’t know I’m an assassin. And we’re more than da—" He frowns. “Can you smell curry?” he asks, just as the waft hits me. Coriander and spices, it’s rife.