Page 6 of A Diagnosis Dark & Deadly
He leaned closer to her and began to move faster inside her. She smiled; this was what she wanted to feel. He fit perfectly inside her; his size incredibly satisfying as it touched every inch of her core. He could hear his breathing become ragged in her ear, feel his hot breath against the side of her neck, and pulled her closer to him. She tilted her head up to kiss his neck, only encouraging the increase of speed. Her eyes rolled back, and her head hit the pillow. There was that tingly feeling again. She whimpered, indicating that she was almost there.
“Watch me,” he managed to growl at her, leaning on his left hand and cupping her cheek with his right one. Her eyes sprung open and into his. “Look at me. I want to seeyou.”
She managed to nod as he continued to pound her insides. Then, she felt herself hitch in breath and she let out a low moan as she released the tension in her pelvis. The twitching sensation pushed him to his release, and they came together. He dropped his head so his forehead grazed hers. Both could not keep their eyes open any longer and slipped into a blissful ecstasy as they continued to rock together.
Soon, their movements slowed until they stopped completely. They slowly opened their eyes, foreheads touching, and Olivia sighed. She smiled again, that big, beaming smile, and he couldn’t help but smile back. She reached her head up until her lips met his, returning the chaste kiss he had given her earlier on. He wished he could stay there, holding her, but he had to clean himself. He kissed her temple and slid out of her, making his way to the bathroom.
After a moment, he returned to the room, and said, “Well, I should get going.”
Olivia was already curled comfortably in her bed, underneath the sheets, her eyes closed. “Shut up and get your ass in the bed,” she mumbled.
She couldn’t see him, but he grinned and walked around to the other side of the bed before sliding in beside her. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her towards him so her back was pressed against his chest. Her hair was dry now, but messy, and smelled slightly of vanilla.
This was definitely more than expected. This was all he wanted and more. But like all good things, the night would turn into morning, and they would have to deal with the aftermath.
For now, a good night’s rest with her against him was just what he wanted.