Page 30 of A Diagnosis Dark & Deadly
When he reached the ER, the head nurse handed him a metal clipboard. "Male motorcycle victim," she began. "Major head trauma. Lost a lot of blood. Brain swelling. Definitely DUI. Drew blood, results pending, but he was ranting about someone when he was brought in. Said some pretty disgusting things."
This peeked Hadley's interest. "What did he say, exactly?" he asked.
"Lots of sexually violent things," the nurse replied, shaking her head. "I can't be sure but I think he was talking about Dr. Goodson."
Mason grabbed the clipboard and glanced down at the name of the patient. Owen Patrick. Mason clenched his jaw. How rich. They called him in to save the life of Olivia's abusive ex-boyfriend.
At that moment, he had two options. On the one hand, he could remove himself from the situation. There was clearly a conflict of interest, considering Mason was dating Owen's ex, and by dating, he was sleeping with her and taking her out on dates. There was something between them, he knew. And he also knew that Owen would not like it when he found out about it. Which meant he would not like it at all. And if Owen didn't like something, he acted out. And the scary thing about Owen was that his temper was unpredictable. There were times he did not care that he was in front of people as he threw his tantrums. He had no idea how the warehouse ended up hiring him but apparently he was good at his job, just not good at self-control.
On the other hand, Mason could prep for surgery and attempt to save Owen's life. He was the only surgeon who responded to Carmen's page - although Mason believed she only reached out to him just to spite him. Either that, or she was jealous he wanted nothing to do with her. They hooked up one time while they were in college and he had a feeling she was jealous of his time with Olivia.
Was that a sexist assumption?
He shrugged it off. He didn't particularly care one way or the other about why Carmen was a bitch. She was a bitch and that was theend.
"What did he say about Dr. Goodson?" Hadley said, flicking his gaze at the nurse. She made a face. "Tellme."
When the nurse finished, Hadley clenched his jaw. Ice ran through his veins. He looked over at the nurse, who seemed to be wincing after the information she shared, and he noddedonce.
"Prep me for surgery," he said, his voicecold.
* * *
After an hour,Olivia was over waiting around. Not that she was waiting on Hadley but because she wanted to know what was going on with Owen. Again, not because she cared but if he was spewing things about her, then -
Then, what?
Owen was a jerk who had no problem talking down to her when she was his actual girlfriend. There was no way he was going to care one way or the other about what he said to her now that she was hisex.
She headed home and took a shower, changing into her pajamas once she was done. She crawled into bed and was just about to doze off when there was pounding on her door. She jumped, her heart seizing. She instantly thought it was Owen and he was out and he was going to find some reason to blame her for what had happened tohim.
Then, she heard, "Goodson. It'sme."
She nearly leaped out of bed so she could answer thedoor.
When she reached the door, she threw it open. She hadn't realized it was pouring rain. Hadley stood in front of her, his blue eyes crisp and intense. He was soaking wet, his short brown hair matted to his face. He looked absolutely beautiful. His clothes were soaked to the point where it clung to his body like a lover, like she did when he was inside of her and she wanted him to stay there.
Without warning, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her neck, pulling her to him so he could crash his lips onto hers. She welcomed him with open arms, clinging to him just like his clothing. She had no idea where this passion was coming from but she could feel his desire for her press against her thigh and she rubbed against it, wanting him to know she feels him and she wants him just as badly as he wantsher.
He moaned through the kiss and she felt her core turn to liquid and melt down to her panties, soaking them as badly as he was. He slammed her into the wall of her apartment. The door was left wide open and sprays of water splashed inside but Olivia didn't care. She didn't care if she got sick. She needed his mouth of her, needed to feel his desire. Dating was fun but being around him awoke her primal urges and she found she couldn't control herself when she was aroundhim.
He led her into her place and slammed the door behind them. Somehow, he was able to lock the door without breaking the kiss and led her to her bedroom. As they made their way, they started discarding their clothing, leaving a trail of wet clothes to her bedroom, like a makeshift Hansel and Gretel minus the sibling relationship.
When they reached the bed, he tipped her back. Because she had a tight grip on him, however, she pulled him down with her so he was on top of her. He managed to catch his weight so she didn't feel the brunt of him on her but he blocked her with both arms so she couldn't escape.
Not that she wantedto.
It wasn't long before he positioned himself so he was pushing through her lips, stretching her to the brim, and taking what he believed washis.
* * *
Somehow,Olivia woke up sore. She was far from a virgin when she met Hadley and they had been doing it enough where she thought she was used to his size but then there would be an angle he would try, a depth he would push for, and hitting a spot she hadn't experienced before.
For someone relatively older than she was, he had amazing stamina.
Olivia walked to her kitchen and began the procedure of making breakfast. She knew under typical circumstances, Hadley did not eat breakfast even if it was the most important meal of the day. However, she figured that this was a special circumstance and the least he could do was indulge herwhim.