Page 23 of A Diagnosis Dark & Deadly
Olivia’s eyes narrowed, and she jutted a finger at him. “I know why you’re here,” she hissed. “You want to interrogate Shelby aboutme.”
“Interrogate is such a strongword…”
“Well, it’s not going to work,” she said as a matter-of-factly.
“She already told me you want to go out on a date with me,” Mason pointed out. “Obviously you can’t trust that woman with a secret. Hopefully, word doesn’t get around work how hot for me youare.”
“Trust me, if I was hot for you, I’d be fucking you right here, right now,” she told him seriously.
God, when she talked so indifferently about sex it made his cock stand instantly at attention. Immediately, he placed both hands on the back wall of the dressing room, blocking any means of escape for her. “So, what’s stopping you?” he asked throatily before claiming her lips as his own. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. His hands fell from the wall to wrap around her waist and pressed his hardness into her hips. She bit his lip from moaning aloud, and he growled softly, pressing himself into her harder.
“Now,” she choked out. “Hurry.”
Mason didn’t need to be told twice. His arms slipped from around her waist and dropped to the hemline of her jeans. He fumbled with the button before finally managing to unbutton it and then slid down the zipper. Helping him slide her pants off, she wiggled as quickly as she could, annoyed how jeans were so comfortable and yet so difficult to get off. Before they reached her ankles, Olivia kicked off her shoes and then finally managed to get out of the confining jeans. Without skipping a beat, her fingers did the same thing with his jeans, and within seconds, they were barely hanging around his knees.
Mason gripped the back of her thighs with the palm of his hands, and as he lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around him. Her back leaned against the wall, and she squeezed her legs, pulling her closer to him. He thrust up into and she bit his shoulder to muffle her cry of pleasure. This was the first time they were doing it without any protection, and while it wasn’t exactly the smartest thing, it sure felt better than anything he had ever felt before. She was wet, she was tight; he could feel her pulsate forhim.
“Oh my God,” he murmured, his forehead resting on her shoulder. He was definitely dressed to warm to participate in this kind of activity. She kissed the top of her head, a small smile on her face. The two had known each other for a long time; she knew he was clean, and she knew she was clean. This felt… right.
Mason began to move inside her now, causing her neck to arch back. He placed soft kisses on her throat, feeling her pulse increase underneath his lips. He loved knowing that he was the one causing her all this pleasure, and he loved feeling it as well. They both had to remember to be quiet; they were in a public dressing room after all. However, that didn’t stop him from increasing his speed, keeping a steady hold on her so her back wasn’t pounding against thewall.
He heard her whimper then, and he felt her tighten against himself. He wrapped his arms tighter around her waist, wanting to feel every inch of her. Her breathing became quicker, and she gasped. Then, he felt her pulsating became heavy around his cock and he knew she was coming. He felt himself join her, releasing himself into her. He inhaled sharply, and just let himself feel the two in syncopation. They were both sweating now, hot but satisfied. Mason slowly set her back on the ground as she untangled herself from. They were silent as they pulled their jeans back on, and once they were fully dressed, Olivia took a seat and Mason followed suit. He placed a hand on her knee and she leaned into him after placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“Was Shelby serious about the date?” Mason asked quietly after a moment of comfortable silence.
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “I don’t need more thanthis.”
“Would you like to go on a date?” He didn’t know why he was nervous at that moment, but hewas.
Olivia glanced at him sharply. “Are you asking me on a date?” she asked. She hadn’t meant to sound so hopeful, but she did. Shewas.
“Well, duh,” he teased, shoving her with his shoulder.
Olivia thought about it. Going on an actual date was practically like making it official. Was she ready to make things official with him? The thought scared her and delighted her at the same time. She had never seen a caring side of Mason, but she recognized that he was slowly opening up to her, just as she was withhim.
“Yeah,” she said, resting her head on the side of his shoulder so he couldn’t see her blush and her shy smile. She slipped her arm through his. “I’d likethat.”
“Okay,” Mason said, nodding. It was then that he had realized he had actually asked her out on a date. A realdate.
He might need a consult from Shore on how to proceed withthis.