Page 14 of A Diagnosis Dark & Deadly
She was everywhere tohim.
Currently, she was in his dreams. Her hair was pulled into a high ponytail, not one strand of hair out of place. Her face was natural, just the way he liked it. She was wearing nothing but a lab coat, those lab coats he so detested looked quite appealing on her. Her bountiful breasts were covered, but he could see her bare center so clearly. The peachy color of her skin was beginning to grow on him; she pulled it off quite flawlessly. His ever-thorough eyes continued to travel downward, stopping to admire her small innie bellybutton. Then lower, to her prominent hipbones, until his eyes rested on the dark curls covering her core. It was such a beautiful thing. Lower still, going over her smooth, long legs until they finally stopped at her feet. She was wearing simple black pumps on herfeet.
Then, without warning, she knelt down in front of him and gently slid down his sweatpants. Before his penis could even hit the air, she had captured it in her mouth. He let out a pleasurable moan, wishing he had something to lean back on. It was hard to stand on his own when she was going at him the way hewas.
He blinked once and then groaned. He hadn’t even finished the dream, and already he was waking up? What time was it anyway?
But something was odd… something that different. His eyes glanced down, only to find the woman who had so recently dominated his dream, going down on him. He stifled and groan, and just watched her, her red hair messy with sleep. Her right hand gently gripped the skin of his shaft back as her lips moved vertical, leaving a trail of saliva behind. Her left hand skillfully followed her lips, as though the two were connected; wherever her lips went, her hand followed. Her tongue swirled patterns on the underside of his shaft, cutting between her lips and following the trail they made. There were so many sensations, he couldn’t focus on solely one, and when he just let himself feel everything, he was ready to explode.
“If you don’t stop…” he managed to say. She stopped everything, looking up at him with wide green eyes. Apparently, she didn’t seem to know that he was awake and thoroughly enjoying the show she was putting on for him. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come.” His eyes were serious, and she took thatin.
She paused, maybe thinking about what he had said. Then she made a choice and returned to her task. He groaned, letting his head fall down and let her continue. God, it felt so good. How was she so practiced in the art of pleasing him? He didn’t exactly want to think about where she had practiced previously, but it felt so good, she felt toogood.
“I’m gonna,” he said quickly, giving her some warning before he climaxed. His eyes shut tightly and his hands gripped the blankets on the bed as he released himself into her mouth.
She looked so calm, even serene, as she let him empty himself into her. She had slowed her movements but continued them until she was sure he had finished. He let out a low groan, watching her through slitted eyes; she had swallowed him and then pushed her wavy hair out of her face. Then standing up, she stretched, her naked body tightening in front of him. She nearly gave him another boner right there.
“You should probably start getting ready,” she murmured after wiping her lips with the back of her hand. “You should go back to your house and get a new suit for today. I need to shower, and it would definitely look suspicious if we showed up together.” She began to saunter over to the adjacent bedroom but stopped when she reached the doorframe. She glanced over her shoulder, meeting his eyes, a coy smile on her face. “You can thank me later.”
With that, she disappeared into the bathroom, and he instantly heard the running water. He began to collect his clothes that had been so carelessly discarded the previous night, thoughts racing through his mind. One thing was definitely certain, however; reality was definitely better than any dream he everhad.
* * *
She couldn’t keepthe satisfied smile off her face as she walked into work that morning if she tried. Shelby glanced up from her paperwork at the nurse’s station after catching a glimpse of her friend. Seeing Goodson’s smile caused Shelby to smirk. She quickly walked around her desk to intercepther.
“Don’t you look like you got laid,” she said, her dark eyes shining mischievously. She cocked a brow and crossed her arms over her chest. “So? Was my theory proven correct?”
“Surprisingly, yes,” Goodson replied, meeting her friends’ eyes warmly.
“Surprisingly?” Shelby asked, feigning shock. She put her hand over her chest. “You hurt worse with your tongue, mydear.”
“Yeah,” Goodson said, and then winked. “That’s what hesaid.”
With that, she squeezed her friend’s shoulder and headed for the lockers. Once her purse was locked away and her lab coat was slipped on, she headed back up to the third floor and into Hadley’s office. She cast a glance at her two teammates as she headed to the small refrigerator and pulled out a water bottle.
“You know Liv, I will never understand how you don’t like coffee,” Hayes said, watching as Goodson sat across fromhim.
“I like the smell of coffee,” Goodson told him, cracking the top of the bottle and taking a sip of the cold liquid. When she swallowed, she cocked a brow in his direction. “How’s the patient?”
“She doesn’t seem to be responding to radiation,” Roberts told her, looking up from the file he had previously been studying. “I don’t think it’s a brain tumor.”
“It has to be a brain tumor,” Hayes interjected. “Something is interfering with her capacity to speak-“
“Was interfering,” Roberts interjected, pointing a triumphant finger in the sky. “She can speak finenow.”
A knock on the door of the office caused all three doctors to pause in their argument. Hadley never knocked before entering his office, and neither did Garcia. Actually, many people just seemed to walk in without requesting permission. Hayes and Goodson shook a confused look while Roberts got up and answered.
“Hope I’m not disturbing anything,” a man said, wearing a nice green shirt and brown slacks. He was wearing no lab coat, but all three doctors knew who hewas.
Dr. Thomas Linley was one of the hospital’s psychologists, very good at what he did. He was eloquent when speaking, and when he looked at you, he made you feel as though everything was going to be okay. He was six foot, an inch shorter than Dr. Hadley, with chestnut brown hair and sparkling blue eyes. His face was sharp and chiseled, and instead of being lean, like Hadley, Linley had more muscle on him. Linley was extremely talented at reading a person, even one he had just met, and because of that, he was quite the charmer. Not in the same way Roberts was, however; Linley was more of a manipulative charmer. He was also damn smart and knew just how to get what he wanted without crossing any lines or getting in trouble. Dr. Hadley hated him; ever since Linley began working for the hospital around the same time Goodson started working for the hospital as a resident, the two had never gotten along.
“Dr. Goodson?” he asked, glancing at the lone female doctor. When she looked at him, he flashed her one of his notorious charm smiles. “I was hoping for a consult?”
“I’m actually kind of busy with a case, Dr. Linley,” Goodson replied calmly. She had to hold herself back from squirming under his gaze. “I thought you were a psychologist; why do need my consult?”
“I’d love to talk to you about it as we’re walking over to my office,” Linley asked, a subtle pleading undertone added to his voice. “I promise it won’t takelong.”