Page 27 of A Corruption Dark & Deadly
“No,” he said, his words vibrating against her breast and giving her goosebumps. “Don’t apologize. I like it.” His eyes were dark and serious. “I like when pleasure comes from pain, how something that should make your body feel repulsed or tense because you expect nothing but pain when, really, it causes an underlying sense of pleasure to come through, enhancing your pleasure even more.” His hands ran up the curve of her behind, a soft, delicate touch that seemed careful up until he slapped it.
She gasped.
“Did that feel good?” he asked, cocking his head to the side.
Annie swallowed. She wanted to lie, wanted to get angry at how demeaning the spank was, but, in actuality, it felt… good.
He sat down on the bed and bent her over his lap.
“Let’s try that again,” he told her. “Jesus, your ass is the best thing I’ve seen all day.”
Annie nodded her head and swallowed, maintaining her grip on him.
He took his palm and smoothed it over her behind, like he was sculpting something from clay. At the last possible second, he slapped her hard. She gasped but she felt it send more shockwaves straight to her core. A small groan flew out of her mouth before she could contain it.
"There you go," he said once more before spanking her once again. "You like the pain just as much as I do, don't you." Another spank before he rubbed the red mark gently. "I want to fuck you, Annie. Let me fuck you."
"Please," Annie breathed out. "Fuck me."
She didn't need to look at him to know he was grinning.
"Lie down," he instructed.
Annie stood up on shaky legs. Jericho helped keep her balance. She crawled onto the bed and rolled onto her back. She watched as he unbuttoned his shirt and slowly peeled it off his body. The soaked shirt hit the floor with a slap. Annie's eyes dropped to his toned torso, his abdomen glistening with remnants of bloody bath water. She wanted to put her hands on him, to feel him and his body. She wanted to leave a trail of sloppy kisses and bite marks down his chest so he would know she was there. Mark her territory, as it were.
His eyes never left hers as he slowly undid his belt and let it clatter to the floor. From there, he slid his pants down his legs and then his tight maroon boxer briefs. She could see his hardness, erecting and straining against the thin cotton material before he sprung it free. It was thick and long, probably the biggest she ever had, and there was a flicker of fear in her eyes at how it was going to feel, stretching her until she snapped. And yet, she wanted that. She wanted to feel the pain because he always ended with pleasure and she trusted that he would do so again.
When he was completely naked, he crawled over her. Annie felt trapped underneath his solid body. She could feel his hardness pressing against the inside of her thigh. A few drops of pre-cum stained her skin. It was as though he was about to burst and needed an outlet. His penetrating green eyes never left hers.
"I'm going to fuck you now," he told her, his voice raw and edgy.
She nodded, suddenly incapable of speaking. She wanted him inside of her, wanted to really feel him. There was a voice in the back of her head that reminded her about protection, that she should make him put a condom on, but she barely heard it and couldn't quite bring herself to care.
He pushed into her slowly. It seemed as though he didn't want to hurt her. She stretched around his thick clock. It helped that she was wet. It didn't hurt as badly. Once he was all the way inside, he paused, allowing her the time to get accustomed to his size. She groaned, some pain mixed with some pleasure. But she felt full and complete.
"Jesus Christ, you're tight," he muttered through clenched teeth.
He leaned down and kissed her hard. He wasn't whispering sweet nothings, didn't ask if she was okay. If anything, he trusted that she would tell him how she felt. So he waited patiently, knowing she would let him know when he could start moving.
"You have no idea how badly I want to fuck you right now," he told her.
Annie let out a groan. She was surprised by how turned on she was due to him talking this way to her. She was never one for talking during sex. To be honest, she preferred the noises that came from her partner - heavy breathing, groaning, grunting. Even the faces he made in the throes of passion where he had no control over his facial features was preferential to dirty talk because the majority of her lovers never understood how to do it right. They tried too hard to come up with something sexy but it came out wooden and forced. Instead, Annie opted to kiss them each time they tried to talk, and that tended to work well for everyone involved since she had a feeling they didn't want to talk at all in the first place.
Jericho, however, was different, which shouldn't have surprised Annie but it did. When he spoke, her entire body erupted in goosebumps and she could feel her thighs get slick with moisture. She had no idea why but it seemed as though Jericho didn't have to try. He said whatever he was feeling, whatever he was thinking, and the deep husk of his voice set her entire being on fire.
Her legs wrapped around his waist, getting him deeper access to her core, and he growled at the feeling. She loved hearing him, loved knowing she was the reason for all of his noises and all of his sounds and it wasn't long before she started to feel that familiar sensation tickle her pelvis. To be honest, she couldn't believe it, especially considering she hadn't touched herself, hadn't helped herself like she had to with everybody else. She didn't know if it was his size or how he made her feel, how attracted to him she was in every way, but something worked. Something inside of her wanted to erupt and didn't require her help.
His breathing turned ragged, like he was some kind of wild animal. She loved it. It was like music, like a church choir on Sunday morning singing about the grace of God. She could tell he was close and she wanted him to explode inside of her because goddamnit she was about to do the same.
She moaned, her eyes rolling to the back of her head.
"No," he snapped. "I want you to watch me when you come. Don't close your eyes. Don't look away."
How could Annie do anything but listen? It was hard, just like him, but when she felt herself finally step off that plateau, she locked eyes with him. And it was like he knew because he gasped and suddenly, they were coming together. She felt complete, airless, like she would have been floating away had he not been on top of her. It was everything and it was perfect and it was...
It was like she could breathe again. Like she had been blind and now she could see. And she planned to keep her eyes open from now on.