Page 55 of A Reputation Dark & Deadly
"I'm here," she repeated, trying to get him to lock eyes with her, to really understand what she was saying. To understand the truth in her words. "I'm okay."
Logan looked like there was more to say, like he wanted to argue with her statement, but he bit his lip and kept the words to himself.
"When Karla told me where you were, I wanted to fucking to kill her," he admitted, his voice low. "Because I know she manipulated the fucking situation. I know it was her. I wanted to fucking kill her and Brandon and bury them together. Good fucking riddance." He pressed his lips together once again and squeezed her hand, as if to emphasize his point. "I came here first, to check on you before I fucking did anything. But this can't fucking stand, Peyton. You're mine and people need to realize that if they fuck with you, they fuck with me, and I can't let anyone get away with that shit."
Peyton wanted to argue with him, to tell him he was being dramatic, but his eyes were so filled with passion and determination and his gaze so beautiful that she didn't want to take that away from him. So she kept her thoughts to herself and squeezed his hand in return, conveying that he had her support, even if she thought it was a little bit over the top.
"Where do we go from here?" she murmured. Perhaps it wasn't the most appropriate place to have this discussion. Hell, she was surprised she was willing to risk this discussion with him in the first place. But after everything that had happened, she felt as though they both owed it to themselves to at least get on the same page about where they were in their relationship. What they could expect from each other.
Logan picked his head up and looked at her as though she was daft for even asking such a question. "You're mine," he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"And you're mine," she replied.
He nodded his head. "I'm yours," he told her. "I thought that was fucking obvious."
Peyton smiled despite herself. "It's not, actually," she told him. "You have a reputation and I" -
"It's bullshit," he told her, holding her stare and giving her a look. "I know you don't believe that shit so don't start quoting it now."
"Your reputation isn't bullshit," she told him. "Come on, Logan. I know you've slept with girls who have come before me. I don't care about that. You know I don't."
"You do if you're questioning me about it," he told her. "And maybe I deserve that line if questioning. I never expected I would be with someone who would know about my past. To be honest, I never fucking expected to be with anyone serious for a long time, maybe not ever. I just know that there was a time before you and a time after you. There's no fucking in between. The time before doesn't matter to me. I can't even fucking remember it because it doesn't matter. The only time that matters is the time I get to spend with you. If that makes me your fucking boyfriend, then fucking fine. But that word doesn't do shit when it comes to describing the way I feel for you. Do you understand?"
Peyton nodded. Her face was crinkled because she was smiling so hard.
"So you're the type of guy I can introduce to my mom and my friends, right?" she teased.
"Jesus, I suppose so," he said. Even though he wasn't smiling, his lips were curled up so at least she could tell he accepted her teasing. "I'm not sure how she's going to like you bringing home a man fifteen fucking years older than you are, but shit. It's the nature of the beast, I guess."
Peyton beamed at him. "As long as you treat me well and take care of me, she won't have any issues," she promised.
Logan rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. In fact, he stayed where he was until Peyton was officially discharged. He paid the co-pay required before leaving, despite Peyton's insistence that she could pay for it herself, and he muttered something about how he wanted to make sure her mother understood he was taking care of her, enjoying throwing her words back in her face so soon.
He took her back to his place and carried her through the front door and into the bedroom. Like she was bride, like she was his prize after a long conquest and he wanted to take advantage of her as quickly as he possibly could. Peyton had no idea why he chose to bring her here instead of her place. Karla's voice still echoed in her head: "No one has been to his place. Not even me."
Except, Peyton wasn't anyone to Logan. She couldn't compare herself to those that came before her because they weren't even in the same league. Logan loved her in his own way. Maybe it didn't reflect the same love that filled romance novels or movies but it was his and it was real and Peyton wouldn't have it any other way. She knew even before that he wouldn't be buying her flowers or texting her sweet things throughout the day just because he could. She also knew he would make sure she was covered at night - especially considering he liked to sleep with the window open - and he would carry her home if she couldn't walk. He would cut class to stay with her in the hospital and he would lecture her about how stupid she had been because he was really scared but couldn't admit it.
It wasn't typical but it was his way of showing his love. And she wanted that more than anything.
He gently set her on the satin sheets before padding into the connecting bathroom. Peyton remembered waking up here after that horrid night with Rikki, after that night where Chuck wasn't going to let her say no.
Logan rescued her. Peyton blinked when the realization hit her. She had been an utter damsel in distress and Logan, in all his beastly grandeur, had knocked down a door to rescue her that night and brought her here instead of her dorm. To keep her safe. So he could keep an eye on her.
And now, after Brandon, Peyton had rescued herself. She was the one who had fought off Brandon. She had made it to her car. She locked it so Brandon couldn't come in.
And now, after that, she was back here. Everything came full circle.
Peyton's ears pricked up when she heard the rush of flowing water and she realized Logan was drawing a bath for her. Her entire body filled with warmth and her lips curved up into a smile she couldn't contain, though she made no attempt to try. A bath sounded heavenly right now.
When he came back in the doorway, his eyes held hers. Slowly, he began to remove his clothes until they were in a pile by his feet. The gesture was strangely erotic and simultaneously vulnerable. The act of undressing someone that was only done through trust.
Peyton stared at him. She could feel her eyes darken at the sight of his naked body. Her eyes roamed up and down, taking in every inch of flesh. She loved the way his shoulders stretched wide, the curvature of his muscled arms, the way his torso narrowed at his waist, the sprinkle of hair throughout his body. Even his member, not just erect, was still something to brag about and wasn't unsightly on him. Everything about him was beautiful and it was all hers. He let her into his world, a guest that he wanted to stay permanently. Someone he called his.
"I love you," she told him. She had told him before, and she knew he knew she was being serious, but she felt compelled to say it regardless.
He cocked his lips into a slight smirk. "I know," he told her.
Peyton pressed her lips together to fight a knowing smile. Had he purposefully quoted Star Wars - which would be telling unto itself since Logan did not seem like the type of guy who was into Star Wars - or did it just happen that he was being his arrogant self? She didn't know and supposed it didn't really matter.