Page 25 of Charm on the Rocks
Chapter 12
Alec pickedMadison up at her door in a Dodge Charger. He looked amazing in the light blue collared shirt and dark grey slacks. Even his hair was styled and gelled. He smelled like the ocean, clean and refreshing, and the way he looked at Madison when he saw her was unlike the way anyone had ever looked at her before. She felt rather underdressed in a simple black strapless dress but he seemed to appreciate the way it hugged her body. He all but dashed out of the car so he could open the door for her.
"You look beautiful," he told her, and she knew he meant it.
Her heartbeat fluttered against her chest but there was a comfortable energy between the two of them. Like she didn't have to talk to fill up the silence. Like she didn't have to search her mind for casual topics of conversation. Like she didn't have to worry about making herself look like a complete fool in front of him. This was completely opposite of the date she had with Brady. In fact, she hadn't even thought about Brady the past couple of days. He hadn't texted her, either. She wasn't as disappointed as she thought she'd be.
He took her to a restaurant in Anaheim called The White House. It was simple in its elegance and apparently a favorite eatery for many of the players on the team. Madison was nervous - not being with Alec, but because she had never been anywhere expensive on a date before and she didn't want to embarrass him.
There was free valet and Alec insisted on helping her out of the car. He continued to hold her hand as he led her up the steps and into the restaurant. It really looked like a white house with simple wooden tile and pastel pinks on the walls. The decorations were floral and the light was bright, spilling in from chandeliers and teardrop lamps on the walls. It was beautiful.
A waiter led them to a secluded table in the back. This room was quieter than the main floor, with dimmed lights and smaller tables meant for two. He dispersed the menu and recited the wine specials, but Alec ordered them sparkling cider since he didn’t drink during the season. Which was perfectly fine with her, since she didn’t drink much, either.
Once he was gone, promising to return quickly with their drinks and to take their order, Alec smiled at her from cross the table.
"I'm so glad you agreed to go out with me," he told her.
Madison cocked her head to the side. "Were you worried?" she asked, not bothering to hide her surprise.
"No," he replied, offended that she would even ask such a question. "Well, maybe a little. You're intimidating."
Madison laughed. "Me?" she asked in disbelief. "Intimidating? Are you crazy? You're the NHL player, not me!"
"That makes it worse," he told her and then leaned toward her in his seat. "I'm a hockey player. I'm good looking, charming, the type of guy every woman wants to be with." Madison scoffed and rolled her eyes and he smiled, letting her know that he was teasing her. "But l ok how easy it was for you to reject me. You're fucking beautiful, Madison. And you're smart. You're a college girl. Typically, college girls don't waste their time with guys who don't even like school. I never went to college. I don't like reading. I have money, yeah, and I've made a life for myself doing what I love, but that might not matter to you."
"You worry too much," she said, dropping her eyes to her wine glass and stroking the glass. "I thought I was bad but you're pretty out there. Alec, I'm not going to tell you all the things that make you great because I don't think that's what you're looking for and I'm not here to stroke your ego. But I am telling you that I wouldn't waste my time with a guy I didn't genuinely like being around. Maybe we won't talk about books but you're smart in other ways. You keep up with social issues, you're big on charity events and community outreach programs, and maybe you can teach me how to fight. I should tell you, though, that while I don't know what this is - this thing between you and me - and we don't have to define it yet, I won't tolerate playing games or dating around. I have too much on my plate to worry about that."
"So Seraphina spoke with you, then?" he asked, sitting back in his chair.
Madison nodded, looking at him suspiciously. "I can't believe you did that," she told him honestly.
"What did you want me to do, Mass?" he asked her. "I would have paid for your education myself but that would put us in a weird over-imbalance. I don't want you to feel compelled to go out with me just because I gave you money."
"I wouldn't have taken your money in the first place," she told him.
"Which I knew," he said. "But this way, we both get what we want. You get to stay in school without your father's help, which means you don't have to be tied to his rules anymore."
"And you?" she asked, raising a skeptical brow.
"I get to be around you," he replied. "For at least another year."
Madison shook her head. "You're crazy," she said before taking another sip of wine.
"About you," he acknowledged. "I've never felt this way about anyone before, Mads. I don't think you realize it."
"Oh, I do," she corrected. "Seraphina talked to me about you."
Alec’s face shifted from deep and meaningful to confused and, if her eyes weren’t deceiving her, embarrassed. “Oh, yeah?” he asked, giving nothing away.
He was saved at that moment by the waiter, who inquired about their order. Madison ordered first, a seafood pasta, while Alec ordered a steak. Once the waiter was gone, Madison quirked a brow.
“Was it necessary to discuss me with our boss?” she asked, though a small smile was teasing her red lips. It was cute, the way Alec squirmed under her stare. She hadn’t thought she could affect him in such a way. She didn’t think she had power over him in this way. It boggled her mind that she possessed such power. She never felt this way with Brady. Granted, she had gone on one date with him and had one class with him she’d attended a couple of times. It probably wasn’t a fair comparison.
“I just…” He shrugged. “Seraphina always tagged along when her grandfather came to watch my games. You know, Ken was the only constant in my life since high school. The grief I have for his lost…” He shook his head, and it could have been a trick of the candlelight, but Madison could swear she saw his eyes glisten. “I don’t even know how I’m functioning. I don’t even know how they’re functioning. He was their grandfather – more like a parent, considering he raised them. I’m off the handles, you know, with the fighting. I say it’s because they’re talking shit on Brandon, but the truth is, it’s my outlet. Hockey is my outlet, and any excuse I can to just let everything out, I’ll gladly take.”
Madison pressed her lips together, keeping any advice from spilling out of her mouth. He wasn’t here for advice, he was here to be with her. He wanted her to listen, to understand, to sympathize, not because he needed her to this. To fix his emotions.
“I didn’t talk to Seraphina much when she came,” he continued. “I was just starstruck that Ken Brown was at my game. Anyway, I spoke to her about you because I wanted to start a scholarship. I was inspired by you. And yeah, it’s my sneaky way to help you pay for school but I want to keep with it, even after you graduate. Seraphina loved the idea and she agreed to match my donation, so you’ll get a monthly allowance and…” His smile went wide on his face. “I’m actually really excited about it. It feels good to help out someone who deserves it. Not just you, but next year’s recipient, and the one after that. I never wanted to go to college but when I see you talking about it, I know it means a lot to other people.”