Page 114 of Santa's Baby
It’s late when I finally send Josh a message to let him know I’mdone and safe, but this time I add another word to it.
D&S, forever. xx
Because I am.
Twelve months later.
I’ve just waved off an adorable little boy with a goodie bag when Jen bursts into the grotto with a phone in her hand.
“REUBEN!You’ve got to take this. Mrs Santa is on the line.”
Her expression says it all as she hands it over. Fucking hell, I knew I shouldn’t have been here today, but Tiff insisted. Seven days from the due date was fine she assured me.
I’m such a fucking idiot.
“Reubs!” Her voice is practically a wail in my ear. “She’s early. Get here now, please. QUICK!”
“On my way. Don’t let her out before I get there!”
“I might not have much choice!”
I hear her scream out a FUCKKKKKKK, and I’m out of my seat, racing like a madman.
I let Jen handle the logistics as I make a dash for it.Grotto closed.The pillows get tossed aside along with the beard, but I’ve got no time to get changed before I get in the Jag to race over to Alexandria Natal Suite. A Santa suit will have to cut it.
The tyres screech as I pull out of the car park. No matter how many times Tiff and I have talked this through, imagining the details, it’s made no difference. I’m absolutely fucking shitting myself.
My gorgeous baby girl is having my baby girl. And the last thing I want to do is fucking miss it.
I put her on speakerphone as I drive.
“Are you ok? How are you feeling?”
“LIKE SHIT!” she yells, Tiff style. “Fucking hell, Reubs, it hurts like an absolute BASTARD! I thought we’d prepared for this but Jesus Christ, it’s nothing like getting punch fucked. My whole body is screaming, not just my cunt.”
I hear the voices of the maternity ward nurses in the background and have to choke back a laugh. What a character. She’s going to be someone to remember – no doubt an infamous Mrs Sinclair when baby number two comes along.
We have the pleasure of meeting baby number one first, though.
I beep my horn at a complete asshole who slows down too quickly and misses the green light. Every second counts.
“Is Ella with you?” I ask my wife.
“Yeah, I’m here,” Ella’s voice sounds out. “Josh is, too.”
“Hey,Reubs,” Josh laughs. “Don’t worry, we’ve got her safe. The little one isn’t done by a long way from the looks of it, so you’ll still get to enjoy the show.”
“Thanks, guys. I appreciate it.”
I don’t give a shit which spot I’m parked in when I bail out of the Jag and race over to the private ward. I don’t bother with the elevator, just bound up the steps two at a time as people stare.
Because shit. Yes. I’m still dressed up as bloody Santa.
“Mrs Sinclair?” I ask the nurse at reception, and she leads me on through.