Page 107 of Santa's Baby
“You’re phrasing that weirdly on purpose,” she says, and locks me with her sparkling eyes. “What you’re really asking is, do I want to be Creamgirl more than I want to be with you. That’s it, isn’t it? That’s what you’re asking?”
Her words give me shivers. The sword over my head feels precarious.
I remember Jeanette leaving. I remember telling myself I would never be so exposed to heartache again. Until the curvy goddess in front of me came into my life.
“What is it you really want?” I ask her. “Not just with Creamgirl, but with life.”
She stiffens up. “Like the future, future? Do I look like a married with kids kind of girl?”
There’s a knife edge in her voice. Defensive.
“You look like you could be. Because that’s what I want, Tiff. I want to close the door on the past and live for my own selffor once. Not out of power or success or charity, but because of me. I want to be married again, to amarried with kidskind of woman.” I take a breath before the admission. “And I want that woman to be you.”
She raises her eyebrows. Gobsmacked.
“Are you for real?!”
“I’ve never been more for real in my life.”
“You’re serious? You want me to be a married with kids kind of girl, with you?”
“That is exactly what I’m saying, yes. I’ve been very careful with risk taking until you burst into the grotto, but since then, things have changed.I’vechanged. Remember those fated words? Ineedyou?” My insides swirl. “I wasn’t lying, Tiff.”
“Whoa, fuck. Just whoa.”
She looks like she’s about to fall off her chair, as though the idea is absurd.
“But I also appreciate how much passion you have for Creamgirl and the Agency. I understand how passionate you are about your career, and I’ll respect that.”
My goddess blows out a breath and it’s as if a huge weight has been lifted, not just from her shoulders, but mine, too. I feel it as she smiles at me.
“It’s not much of a question then, is it?” She reaches for my phone on the countertop and shoves it towards me. “Bye bye, Creamgirl, I had fun while it lasted.”
My world starts tilting on its axis.
“That’s a yes? You want to resign?”
“Yeah, of course I do, but do you? For real? You’ll give up millions and a shit ton of prestige and backhanders and associates because of a curvy whore you only really met a few weeks ago?”
I smile at her as I pick up my phone.
“I already have.”
“You have what?! Stepped down from the Agency?”
I nod. “Yes. I have stepped down from the Agency.”
The look of pure disbelief on her face is a picture I’ll remember for ever.
“That’s fucking crazy, Reuben! It’s mental! What the fuck?!”
With that she leaps from the stool and throws herself at me. Her arms wrap around my neck, her tits pressed tight to my chest as I hold my elf girl tight.
“I didn’t tell you, because I wanted the decision to be yours,” I say. “I wanted to know you felt the same way.”
Tiffany kisses me like I’m a hero, holding my face as though I’m a saviour from the Lord above.
“Creamgirl can fuck right off now for all I care,” she says. “Not only do I want to be Santa’s baby. I want tohaveSanta’s baby. Buckle up, Daddy, it’s going to be one hell of a ride.”