Page 27 of Jake
I don’t know what happened.Forrest asked him again to call the police and to tell them that his grandma had been shot.All right. But you’ll tell me then?
Yes. Your father wasn’t happy that you were doing things on your own. He said that if you were going to try anything that he didn’t approve, then he wasn’t going to allow you to live.Jake pulled out his cell phone and called the report in. Then he made his way to the living room as Forrest continued.You seemed to be smiling at him, and I think he took that as you doing as you damned well please. Him pulling a gun out startled all of us into a stupor, and when he pointed it at you and fired, your grandma just jumped in front of you. There wasn’t any time for anyone else to react, it was over in a split second.
Jake told the two men in the living room what had happened. That his grandma had been shot by his father and that she was dead. He sat down on the couch when they left the room, pulling out their cells as they went. Jake just needed to be alone.
I’m going to our room to change. You should know that Quincey is here as well. He’s not saying much, but there is an aura around him that is glowing with anger.Jake said to let him kill his father.I can’t do that, and you know why. The man has to be prosecuted. To the fullest extent.
I know, but that doesn’t mean I have to be happy that he gets to live.Forrest said nothing.He was going to kill me. My own father was going to kill be because I’m happy.
That’s about right.Saying it was one thing, having it confirmed was something entirely different. It really brought it home. You’re going to be just fine, Jake. I promise you this.
I loved her. With all my heart. She was the only woman in the world who ever loved me, held me when I needed it, and slapped me around when I needed that as well.He heard the sirens but didn’t move.Forrest, what will happen if Father says a cat hurt him?
It won’t matter at this point. He’s as good as convicted.Jake knew that as well. But he told Forrest he was still worried. Don’t be. Anyone else in that room is going to say that they never saw anything. My dad will talk, but all I need to do with that is bring up the fact that he was getting back at me. Also, there are his past complaints about my mother being the same thing. It’ll mean nothing in the long run.
And my mother? What will happen with her?He didn’t reply and Jake sat there, just wondering what his mother had done now. He could feel Forrest, his emotions, but not what it was he was feeling. Anger? Sympathy? Whatever it was, Jake figured he’d find out about it later.
“Mr. Winslow?” Jake turned to the voice, not understanding for a moment that it was a person talking to him and not a voice in his head. “Mr. Jake Winslow?”
“Yes.” He stood up and faced the officer. “I’m sorry. I came in here…I’m not entirely sure why I came in here. To breathe, I think. I don’t know. My grandma is dead.”
“Yes, we’re talking to the others in the room now.” He came more into the room. “You should know that I’m not human. Forrest knows me, but I wanted to tell you that so you’d know you could tell me the truth about what happened.”
Jake reached to Forrest, not sure who to trust.
Yes, tell him everything. What he needs will go into his report, the rest will be set aside for later. He’s the pride leader, as well as a cop here in town.Jake started to ask him what that meant when he answered him.Like I said, he’s the pride leader. If there is trouble with this, I could face some fines. He told me not to worry but for you to tell him the truth. It’ll be all right.
Sitting back down, he offered a seat to the cop. Jake told him everything that he knew, even some of the things that he could only guess at. Then he got to the part where he’d found his Grandma lying in a pool of her own blood.
“Forrest said that he attacked your father because he was fearful of him killing you as well.” Jake said he didn’t know, but could see his father and Forrest doing just that. “You think your father meant to kill you?”
“Yes. I had just told him that Forrest and I were lovers and that we’re going to be living here. And I also mentioned that I had left my firm to work with Forrest as well.” The man nodded. “I’m sorry. I don’t know who you are other than the leader of the pride here.”
“Frank Carlson. My wife, Lila, and I don’t live too far from here. Not in this nice of a home, but we’re happy there. Are you?” He said that he was now that he was living it the way he was. “Good. I’m glad to hear that. I’ve met your ex-wife, by the way. She’s a real peach, isn’t she?”
“More like the pit.” He laughed when Jake did. “She’s in jail; I’m assuming that’s where you might have met her.”
“Yes. She and I have had words over some things. She’s a woman used to getting her own way, I think.” Jake said that she was. “When your father pulled the gun, where were you standing?”
“Across from him. He was talking, yelling at me really, when I sort of zoned out. I was thinking about how happy I was, and that pissed him off.” Jake didn’t have trouble keeping up with the conversation’s switches. “Carol killed her mother, I’m sure you know that.”
“Yes. We were there when the doctor told Mr. Lane that his wife would have no quality of life in her current condition. He asked him if he wanted to donate her organs, other things while she laid there, but he said no, said he wanted her whole when she was buried.” Frank looked at his notes. “The attorneys said that they’d been called here to make changes to Mrs. Winslow’s will. Did you know that?”
“No. I thought they were here to talk to my father. I guess he’s been complaining about the amount of money my grandmother had been giving him. Something about investments, and I think she wanted them here to make sure that he didn’t do or say anything stupid.” He looked at the door where he could hear the others talking. “I guess he did. He killed her.”
“Yes. I’m sorry.” Jake nodded. “One more thing, Jake. When your father shot at you, when he fired the weapon, do you know if he had it with him or did he get it from here?”
“I don’t have guns in the house.” He nodded and waited. “No, he came here with it as far as I know. I remember vaguely, in a distant sort of way, seeing him pull it from his jacket pocket. But not much else.”
“Did you know that he carried a gun? The reason I’m asking is, the gun is registered to your mother.” Jake said he didn’t know. “What can you tell me about your mother, Jake? Do you know what happened to her?”
“Something happened to her?” He nodded but said nothing more. “I can’t tell you for certain, no. Mother had some issues. I have no idea if she suffered from depression or if crying all the time got her anything she wanted. I had become immune to it. But as for today, no, I can’t say that I know where she is now. She was in the dining room too.”
“Your mother is dead.” Jake said nothing, not even sure what he could say at this point. “Do you want to know how?”
“I can honestly say that I don’t care. I mean, I know that sounds like I’m a cold hearted prick, but after today, I just can’t muster up any kind of sadness for her or my father.” Frank nodded and stood up. “Is Forrest in trouble?”
“Why would he be?” Jake asked about shifting in front of humans. “There wasn’t a person out there that doesn’t have some knowledge of shifters in general. But as for him shifting to save your life, no one outside the pride will believe that he did such a thing. And even if it hits the papers, who is going to believe anyone in that room? No one, I can tell you that. Forrest is just fine.”