Page 11 of Jake
They talked about this and that, nothing about whatever came next for them nor about Carol. Jake finally asked him about Thomas and why Forrest thought it was him who had hurt him. At first he wasn’t sure he was going to answer, but he finally did.
“I didn’t actually see him there, but I could smell him. And I heard laughter. He brays like a jackass, and I knew it was him. Then when my head exploded in pain, I just passed out.” Jake nodded, understanding that Forrest would be able to catch this other man’s scent simply because they had been lovers. “I was running off steam, I guess, and not really paying attention to what was going on around me. I was on property that I thought was safe…it’s not much but all I had, and figured I was safe.”
“What would drive him to resort to trying to kill you? Or was it simply he wanted you to hurt?” Forrest said he didn’t know. “What do you plan to do about it? I’m assuming that you have something going on in that head of yours.”
“I do. I wasn’t sure that I wanted to, not at first. It’s sort of embarrassing to have someone try to take advantage of you in these sort of situations. But I’ve thought it over, and since I know there are others out there, ones that he’s scammed as well, I’m going to go all out to get him off the streets. Or at least his name out so that others can be aware of him before they’re taken.” Jake asked him if he could help. “I was actually hoping you could. I read over your file, and you have some pretty good contacts with people that get jobs done. I don’t want him killed, mind you, but I do want others safe.”
“It would be my pleasure. And maybe if word gets out, others will come forth and testify against him. I mean, I know it would be hard, but if just one person is safe then it’s worth it.” Forrest said he agreed. “I can’t imagine what sort of things you’ve had to put up with over your lifetime. I know something about your dad. Grandma told me what a prick he is.”
“He is all that and more. When I first came out, he told me that he’d pay for me to be fixed. I wasn’t sure what he meant at first, thought he wanted me to get help or something. No, he wanted me to be castrated—his words, not mine—so that I’d not breed any more of my kind into the world. My mom took it in stride. She told me not long before she died that she knew all along, and was glad that I was embracing myself. I nearly wet myself when she said that. Embracing myself like I was finally coming to know me. I miss her every day.”
“I was never close to my parents. I had a brother, but he was killed in a biking accident when I was about twelve. Benny was two years younger me, and I think that my mom and dad figured that I should have been there for him.” Forrest told him he was sorry. “It’s all right. I mean, I tell myself that. But when Benny was killed I was at a school function. I think some sort of debate team or something. My dad said that had I been home, I could have been watching out for him. Mom just told me she was disappointed, in between sobbing how much she’d lost and that no one would ever understand it. I was never sure if she meant that I hadn’t been killed or that I wasn’t with Benny when he was. And they hated Carol.”
Both of them fell silent after that. Jake wanted to ask him again if he was all right, but could almost feel that he was. The television was on, muted since neither of them seemed to be paying attention to it. When Forrest squeezed his hand, Jake turned to him.
“I was wondering; would you mind very much if I kissed you?” Jake felt his heartrate triple. It was not that he was afraid of a kiss, but he was nervous about where it might lead. Or for that matter, where he wanted it to lead. “If you don’t want to, I understand.”
“No, it’s not that. I don’t know how.” Forrest asked him what he meant. “I kissed Carol on our wedding day, but not since. Not anyone but Grandma. I know that sounds really stupid, but I never really wanted to be with her. Not sexually, nor even as a friend. Not that she wanted any more from me apparently, but I’ve never really enjoyed sex or kissing.”
“Well, it sounds like you’re due.” Jake stood up, his body aching for something more than he knew to name. And when he leaned toward Forrest, making sure not to hurt him in anyway, Jake moaned when Forrest pulled his head closer and touched his lips to his.
Chapter 5
Forrest tried not to be greedy. He’d wanted to pull him into his arms and bed since he’d walked in the door and sat down. He’d nearly cried when Jake took his hand in his like he’d been doing it forever. And now, right now, he was close enough for him to touch everywhere he wanted. But he didn’t. Not yet.
The kiss was soft, not hungry like he wanted. But this was better, Forrest thought. It was an exploration for them both. And even though Forrest wanted this man with all that he was, he also knew that Jake was still new to their relationship. Even to this lifestyle.
When Jake lifted his head and rested his forehead on his, Forrest wanted to ask him if he was all right. But his tongue was tied up in knots, just as his belly was. So when Jake leaned in and kissed him again, Forrest couldn’t have held back his need if he’d had to.
Hunger. It was as ripe as the roses in the vases near them. Even as fragrant. Forrest touched his hand to his chest, just to make sure that this was real, when Jake moaned. It served as an invitation to him. Forrest wanted more, he wanted it all. Pulling him closer, almost over him, Forrest slid his hand down his chest to his pants and cupped Jake’s cock. He moaned when he felt not just his length, but how hard he was as well. Jake pulled away and looked down to where his hand was.
“I’ve thought of nothing else but you touching me like this.” Forrest wanted to reach into his pants, free his cock, and hold him, but was trying his best to take this slow enough where they were not fucking on a hospital bed. “The thought of being in your mouth makes me hurt.”
“Christ.” He nearly tore Jake’s pants off him in his haste. Forrest needed him. Wanted to pull him up over him and let him come all over his body. As soon as he had Jake free, he slid his hand up and down his shaft as Jake moved his sheets out of the way. “I want to come on you, mark you.”
“Yes. Oh yes, I would love that too.” When his own cock was freed, he watched Jake’s hand slide up and down him, felt him rock into his own palm as he fucked him with his hand. “I can suck you, right? I need to taste your cock.”
If he answered him, he wasn’t sure. Jake pulled from him and leaned over his body and took him deep into his mouth. Forrest cried out, the heat of Jake’s mouth almost too hot. He was as close to coming as he’d ever been when Jake moved his head down to his balls and suckled one into his mouth.
“I’ve never done this before. Tell me if I hurt you.” Forrest said that he would as he watched him lick his length before taking his crown in his mouth again before looking at him. “I love the taste of you. When you come, will I be able to taste all of you?”
His cock felt tight, his balls pulled up close to his body, hot with cum. As Jake sucked, bobbing his head up and down over him, licking his length when he could, Forrest rocked upward, feeling the tight muscles at the back of Jake’s throat. Forrest curled his fingers into his hair to help guide him. Really, it wasn’t so much as guiding him, he realized, as he was just holding on. It was both heaven and hell having Jake doing these things to him.
Forrest was close to coming…he could feel it as the ecstasy ran over his body. He wanted to bring Jake as well, show him heights that they could both enjoy together, but the bed wasn’t cooperating and they had to be extra quiet. Even as Jake slid his hands over his balls again, cupping them in his fingers, Forrest wanted to cry out, release in a way that everyone within miles would know that he had his mate. Then Jake slid his finger up under his ass and into his tight hole.
Forrest came hard. Stars danced in front of his eyes. The pounding of his heart sounded like drums beating to a rhythm that he’d never heard before but loved. As his balls filled again, his cock stretching out longer, he felt Jake fucking him, his fingers making him think of silk sheets, hot summer nights sleeping with the window open, and commitment all at once. Then he came a second time and Forrest cried out, even the pillow over his mouth doing nothing to stop the sound from echoing around the room.
Aftershocks made him ache. Forrest felt his heart not just pounding but coming alive at the same time. Pulling Jake to him, his mouth still smeared with his cream, he kissed him, showing him as best he could how he felt. Then he reached for his cock.
“Come on me.” Jake nodded, holding onto the mattress above his head as he held him in his hand. “Christ, come all over me so I can come again.”
“I’m so close. I need to come now.” Forrest slid his hand faster up and down his shaft, using the cum that streamed there as a lubricant. He wanted to see his face, watch him as he came for the first time with him. And when he threw back his head and cried out, Forrest held his own cock as he came yet again.
He was spent and felt wonderful, like he’d run a marathon and had the best sleep he’d ever had at the same time. And when Jake leaned to him, laying his head on his chest, he held him there, feeling like the weight of the world was off his back. Forrest was in love. For the first time in his life, he was truly in love.
“I never thought it would be that way.” Forrest waited, knowing that Jake was going to tell him that he was sickened by what they’d just done; or worse yet, that he’d not really enjoyed it that much. “I have to sit. My legs are wobbly and I feel slightly lightheaded.”
After they both straightened up their clothing, Forrest felt his anger start to take him. He’d just had the best sex of his life with a man that he loved, and now he was going to leave him. But before he could speak, Jake started talking. It took him several moments before he was able to understand.