Page 9 of Snowed in with the Cowboy
“Fine, if you insist.” I fall back on my pillow. Clay moves Jasmine to the foot of the bed before climbing in beside me.
“I do. You gonna lie on your side of the bed, or you gonna move your sweet ass next to me?” He slides his arm beneath my neck, pulling me closer without waiting for my answer.
“Next to you, obviously,” I say with a small laugh. His lips touch the crown of my head before he hits the lamp on his side of the bed. When I noticed Clay turning the light off in thebathroom, I did some quick thinking and turned on the lamp so he wouldn’t be lost in the dark.
“Right where you’re meant to be,” he croons. His warm body cocoons me, and even though this is fast, faster than anything I’ve ever done or felt before, I’m going to jump in headfirst. My arm wraps around his stomach, and my leg hitches over his thigh, causing Clay to let out a hiss under his breath. I settle in, he does the same, and the last thing I remember is Nala’s nails clicking on the hardwood floor before feeling the depression from her weight on the bed. It’s clear sleeping with Clay means sleeping with his animals, and I’m finding I like that a whole lot.
Irub my hand down my face. Last night about took me out. Clementine sleeping beside me is one thing. Having her practically on top of me, that’s a different story. Her tits were pressed to my chest, and the heat between her legs and the small movements had her pretty much grind her hips into me. Sleep didn’t find me. An hour here or there was all I could handle. As much as I want Clementine, I want her awake and coherent. Preferably without her hurting much after an accident, not that she received any injuries. Still, everyone knows once the dust settles, there are always lingering aches and pains.
Nala stayed with Clementine, so did Jasmine, both of whom made their way into the bed last night. Usually, Jazzy girl does, but the same can’t be said for Nala. She’s the one who’s up and down, coming and going between the house and outside. Nala joined me once she heard me making a pot of coffee. It’s our morning routine: she hears me working in the kitchen, then the sounds of her dog kibble hits the bowl, and she’s here with me. While she ate, I got Jasmine’s food ready, too, keeping it up on a part of the kitchen counter that’s never used and out of Nala’s reach from grabbing it as a snack. Then I stacked the living room fireplace full of wood for the day. I’d do the same in thebedroom, but Clementine is sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake her up.
That left morning farm chores: feeding the animals in the barn, checking on the horses to see if they needed another blanket added to them or to crank up the heat. They were good on both fronts. Same with the goats and chickens. The cows stayed where they were a few hours ago. The water troughs needed to be broken up with the ice that started freezing on top, and then I dropped more hay in the round bail with the tractor before I called it a day for the time being. Now, the snow is stacking up as each hour goes by. I should probably turn on the news to check what the forecast predicts for the next twenty-four hours. The rate it’s coming down, I’d say we’re in for one hell of a storm that’s going to last more than a day or two. There’s already a foot, and the wet stuff keeps falling fast and fucking steadily.
Nala’s head lifts from her place on the ground when she hears Clementine upstairs in the room. The water turns on and then shuts off. The pitter-patter of her feet along the hardwood floors reminds me that she has no slippers or socks, probably didn’t think to grab them last night. After breakfast, I’ll head to her van, get whatever she needs, and settle her in for the long haul.
“Mornin’, sweetheart.” I’ve got my ass planted on the counter, legs spread, and a cup of coffee in my hand.
“Good morning. I didn’t even feel you get up.” She stops at Nala, petting her softly for a few moments as Jasmine slinks through the house, meowing. My cat acts like she’s starving, except she’s the one sleeping half the day away, stretches, and then prowls toward her food bowl. God forbid I’m up and outside before getting her fed. She’ll find me and pester the shit out of me until she gets what she wants.
“You were out like a light. You sleep good?” I hop off the counter, taking in her natural beauty. Clementine’s clothes arewrinkled and skewered, tank top hanging off one shoulder, hair a tumbled mess, eyes still soft with sleep.
“Like a rock. You?” She moves away from Nala and comes my way. My eyes eat her up the entire time. Her breasts that are more than a handful move with each step, pale pink nipples tightening into hard peaks, and the soft sway of her hips has my hand tightening around the ceramic. She doesn’t stop walking but comes right up to me, taking the mug out of my hand and bringing it to her lips.
“Clementine.” Her tongue peeks out as she brings my coffee to her lips.
“Not bad. It could use some creamer. My question?” As if she doesn’t know what she’s doing to me. My cock is about ready to bust out of my jeans from looking at her, let alone touching her.
“You pressed up against me for hours. Fuck yeah, I slept just fine.” She places the mug on the counter behind me before her hands go to my bare chest. The last thing I wanted after working outside was to wear more clothes in the house than necessary. Especially when Clementine’s hands are on me. “Wouldn’t mind having you touching me again.” I grip her hips. Her hands slide up my chest, digging in.
“Same.” She lifts up on her toes, hands sliding to the back of my neck and pulling me into her.
“Game on, sweetheart. Game fuckin’ on.” My head dips, mouth landing on hers, and I take her with everything I’ve got to quench all the pent-up thirst I’ve had for this raven-haired beauty with eyes that reach into your soul and a body that’s made for my hands. Her tongue glides along mine. It’s a damn good thing she can match me with the way she’s kissing me. My hand tightens on her hip, fingers dipping inside her boxers and digging into the flesh of her ass.
One of her legs lifts up, trying to wrap around my waist. I move, giving her the room she needs to climb me like a tree.She may think she’s doing it for me, but I’m a selfish asshole, grumpy to most when they’re pissing me off and ruining my day. Clementine Sinclair is the exception to the rule. She could run into my house like she’s run full force into my heart, and I’d take every mark and every bruise to have her in my arms like this.
“Clay.” She pulls back. My lips move down her neck, nipping at the skin.
“You good with where this is going, sweetheart?” I suck on the column of her throat right below her ear at first, ready to create a necklace of my marks around her throat.
“I’m more than good. Had it been up to me, we’d have done this last night.” Her voice has an edge to it, one that I put there, and we’ve barely scratched the surface.
“Had my reasons. Those are gone now. You’re not complaining of any aches and pains, you’ve slept, I’ve slept, so I’m about to sink my cock deep inside you, sweetheart.” I drop her to her feet. I’ll be taking her right here and now. What I won’t be doing is fighting with our clothes when I’m on my knees with my head buried between her shapely thighs.
“Yes, I want that so much, and just so we’re clear, I’m on birth control and all of that other stuff that isn’t sexy at all.” I watch as she grabs the end of her white shirt, pulling it up her body, and when it clears her tits, I’m ready to get down on one knee and beg for her to never fucking leave me. “Clay?” she questions once the fabric is off her body and she’s standing there in only boxers. My eyes have a hard-as-fuck time leaving her chest to look into her eyes. I lick my lips. I’ll for sure be taking my time when I wrap them around the sweetest damn nipples I’ve ever seen in my whole goddamn life.
“Yeah, sweetheart.” I’m still in a fucking daze, yet I’m not missing out on a single moment. My hand moves to the button of my jeans, opening the fly and pulling my cock out.
“Are you good with going bare? I don’t have condoms on me, and the thought of moving this to another room doesn’t make me leap with joy.” Clementine watches as I slowly stroke my cock upwards and downwards before pinching the tip to keep myself from coming before I want to.
“More than fuckin’ good, Clementine. Lose the shorts.” I let my jeans drop to the floor and step out of them, then walk right back to her as she shimmies out of her pajama bottoms. Her back hits the refrigerator, and my hand goes to her hip, holding her steady.
“Clay.” My name tumbles off her lips in a soft sigh.
“Clementine, gonna feast on your pretty nipples, then drop down to my knees and taste you directly from the source. And when you’ve come, I’m going to fuck you right here until you’ve taken every drop of my cum in your sweet body.”