Page 79 of Sweet Prison
“I can’t help but think there is more than the hunger for power behind it all. It feels personal,” he adds.
“But why?”
A furrow develops along his brow, and his narrowed gaze travels over me. “I have no idea. Let’s face it, I’m not exactly a likable guy. Every one of the capos could benefit from me being removed from the picture. With the right support, any of them could claim the don’s position. However, I just don’t see any ofthose pricks having the fortitude to follow through for this long. And until last week, none of them knew it’s been me running the Family all this time.”
“Salvo did.”
His eyes snap up, finding mine. “Oh, if I could only be so lucky. It would give me an excuse to strangle the fucker, and I’d do it without an ounce of regret. Can’t believe the son of a bitch dared to claim you for himself. If he was anyone else, he’d be long dead and rotting in a ditch somewhere. It can’t be him, though. Salvo’s been helping me from the start. And don’t forget that he was my age when I got locked up.”
“Then who?”
“For some reason, my mind keeps coming back to Adriano. He has the money and the connections to pull this off. He’s been offered a capo’s rank several times over the years but has always declined. Maybe that’s his strategy, though. What if he’s been aiming for the higher seat all along?”
“Adriano wouldn’t hurt a fly. He is a businessman, not a killer.”
Tiny buttons scatter all around as Massimo grabs my waist and rolls us so I end up on top of him.
“You shouldn’t speak so favorably of him, angel. I need Adriano, so I would prefer not to have to kill him because you like him.”
I snort and drop my chin to his chest. “I have no idea why you’re so fixated on Adriano.”
“Because he’s the only man I’ve ever heard you speak nicely of.”
A knock at the door saves me from having to respond to that bombshell.
“Miss Zahara,” Iris chirps from the other side. “I am so sorry to wake you. The interior designer is here with the sample tiles for the bathrooms, and I can’t find Mr. Spada anywhere.”
I’m just about to tell her that Massimo is here when he presses his finger to my lips and shakes his head.
“Why?” I whisper, raising an eyebrow.
I sigh. “I’ll be downstairs in fifteen minutes, Iris.”
Once I hear her retreating steps, I fix Massimo with my gaze. “I thought we talked about this and came to a conclusion about our situation.”
“We haven’t.” He cups my face with his palms. “I’d kill for the chance to hold your hand in public and shout to every fucker out there that you’re mine, Zahara. But we can’t.”
“Why not? Is it still about what the Family will think of me? Because if it is, you can rest assured I don’t give a shit what their opinions are.”
“You say that now. But trust me, angel, when actually faced with it… When you feel their condemnation following you everywhere you go, see them pointing their fingers at you and talking shit behind your back…” He shakes his head as if trying to dislodge an unpleasant mental image. “I’d slice the throat of anyone who dares, of course, yet it wouldn’t erase the hurt their vicious words could cause. I loathe the idea of seeing stress and sadness on your angelic face, even for a mere moment, especially if—” He suddenly falls silent.
“If what?”
“Someone wants me dead, Zahara. They’ve failed so far, but that doesn’t mean they won’t succeed the next time. I will not let you be ruined because of me before I can eliminate that threat.The pretentious fucks would chew you up and spit you out before my body was cold.”
“Nothing is going to happen to you, you hear me?” I bark. “And I don’t need to be babied, Massimo. I can handle myself.”
“But I want to baby you. Don’t you understand? I want you happy, unburdened. But above all else, I need you to be safe. Salvo might be right—by keeping you close to me, I may have painted a target on you, as well.” He squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head again. “The thought of anything happening to you...”
“Nothing will—”
“I’ll never consciously put you in danger. I want you with me. Always. Just, don’t ask this of me, because I won’t do it. There isn’t any other way.”
I swallow. There is a way. We could run. Leave this place and go to some other country where no one can find us. If anyone could pull that off, it’s him. Although, he would have to abandon everything he’s worked for over the past two decades. I’d never ask that of him. And in my heart, I’m afraid he might not do it anyway. Not for me. I’m probably stupid for even considering something like that.
“I should go get ready. The interior designer is waiting downstairs.” I climb off Massimo and head toward the bathroom.