Page 74 of Hot Mic, Cold Ice
He pounds into me, over and over, as he wrings every ounce of pleasure from me, not once but twice, before filling me with his cum. The thrill of a work quicky and knowing that he has to go back on air adds an extra layer of intensity.
As he adjusts his suit, a wicked grin spreads across his face. He does his best to adjust my clothing. Making me look a little bit more like I did when I entered the dressing room.
“I’m going to be thinking about your wet thong in my pocket and my cum leaking down your leg while I finish my broadcast, my Anatife,” he whispers, his voice low and husky.
“Be a good girl and go back out there and watch me,” he adds, giving me a light spank as he ushers me out the door.
Flushed and still slightly disheveled, I return to my spot behind the monitor, my body still tingling from having Elliot between my thighs. Watching him return to the broadcast, composed and charismatic, only intensifies the heat within me. This is our new reality–thrilling, unpredictable, and utterly intoxicating.
Bonus Epilogue
My at home podcast studio space is buzzing with a different kind of energy today. Usually, it is just the crew and me, diving into deep discussions about hockey, life beyond the rink, and occasionally some inappropriate humor that seems to resonate well with our audience. But today is special. Today the hosts are at my house and we have a very special guest. Ziggy is joining as a guest on the podcast—for the first time ever.
I adjust my headphones, giving the mic a final check before the red recording light blinks on. The usual pre-show jitters feel magnified with Ziggy here. Her presence in the studio fills me with a mix of excitement and nerves. She sits across from me, her notes neatly aligned, a professional smile playing on her lips, but her eyes dance with a familiar warmth just for me.
“Welcome back toHit Behind the Net, everyone! Today is extra special—not just because of the content but because of our guest. Joining us today is someone deeply versed in the world of sports and very dear to my heart. Please welcome my beautiful fiancée, Ziggy Blackwater, my Anatife.”
Ziggy chuckles, adjusting her headphones. “Thanks for having me, Elliot. It’s a bit strange being on this side of the questions for once!”
Bryce Cole, the overly excitable host, jumps right in. “Hold on, Elliot, you’ve got to unpack that introduction for us. Anatife? What the hell is that?”
I laugh, well aware of how our little inside joke might come across as weird to anyone other than Ziggy and I. “Ah, yes, Anatife—it means ‘my Barnacle.’”
Bryce bursts out laughing. “Barnacle? You can’t be serious! What the fuck, man. Ziggy, you let him call you that?”
Ziggy joins in the laughter, her eyes gleaming with amusement. “Well, to be fair, he started with ‘barnacle’ in English, and when I told him to stop, he just switched languages. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have trusted him to pick something better. But it stuck, and here we are.”
I explain the origin of my unusual nickname for Ziggy. “It’s an endearment, really! It started off as a bit of a joke during our first interaction, and now it’s become a term of affection,” I share, hoping to shed light on the affectionate nature behind the seemingly odd nickname.
Oren, so far, has always been willing to co-host with the podcast when asked and it has been great. He finds my nickname both hilarious and sweet. Then, turning to Ziggy, he shifts the conversation to her career, “I thought it was strange that he was thanking his barnacle during his retirement speech but it makes more sense now. Ziggy, you’ve covered the Red Wolves for a fantastic season; do you miss being immersed in sports now that you’re in national news?”
Ziggy’s response is thoughtful. “I do miss it sometimes—the adrenaline of live sports is hard to match. But national news has its own challenges, and I enjoy the depth and variety itoffers. It’s a different kind of rush,” she explains, her passion for her new role evident in her voice.
Gordie, curious about her adjustment, follows up, “And, I have to ask because our listeners will want to know, do you find the national news a bit dry compared to the fast-paced world of sports?”
Ziggy chuckles before answering. “It can be seen as dry, yes, but it’s also incredibly impactful. The stories we cover affect real change and involve critical issues. That said, I won’t lie—there are days I miss the simplicity of just talking about hockey.” Her honesty and insight into her new role paints a picture of her growth and adaptability, bridging her past with sports to her present in the news.
Gordie shifts the focus back to hockey. “Speaking of hockey, watching Elliot play, did that give you a different perspective on the game?” he asks Ziggy.
She nods enthusiastically. “Absolutely. Seeing the game through the eyes of someone who plays it, and especially someone as passionate as Elliot, deepened my appreciation for all the nuances of hockey. It’s one thing to report on it; it’s another to live it through someone you care about.”
I feel a warm flush of pride at hearing her say that. “And I’ve got to say, having Ziggy rinkside, knowing she understood, at least to some degree, what I was going through on the ice—it changed how I played. I always knew I had my biggest supporter watching,” I add, my voice tinged with emotion.
Bryce chimes in, noting the obvious chemistry between us. “It sounds like you two have a lot of mutual respect and admiration, which is wonderful to see. Ziggy, any thoughts on Elliot stepping into the media side of things full-time?”
Ziggy’s smile is radiant as she responds. “I’m incredibly proud of him. It’s not easy to transition from being a professional athlete to media, but Elliot’s natural charm and insight have made him a hit. Plus, it’s fun seeing him get a taste of his own medicine every now and then.”
“That’s true. She’s never gone easy on me and that won’t change just because we’re engaged. If anything, she is tougher!” I say, laughing through my words.
Lively and playful banter fills the podcast. As the discussion turns more personal, Oren leans forward, a teasing smirk on his face.
“We all know you two were schtupping behind our backs the whole time,” he begins, his tone light but probing. “So, Ziggy, how was it to have to work with and be professional with the guy who was giving it to you so well? You probably couldn’t sit down most days.”
Ziggy covers her face with her hands, her cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and amusement. She glances at me briefly, a sparkle of mischief in her eyes, before responding. “Well, it certainly added a layer of... excitement to covering the games,” she quips, her voice playful yet composed. “But, let me tell you, I was all about keeping it professional. What happened off the rink stayed off the rink, and during the games, it was all business. Though I won’t lie, it did make the wins a little sweeter, and the losses... well, we had our ways of coping.”
The room erupts into laughter, the tension breaking as everyone appreciates the candidness and humor she brings to the potentially awkward question.
As the podcast draws to a close, Bryce turns to Ziggy with a smile. “Well, it’s been fantastic having you on, Ziggy. Before we wrap up, any fun plans for the two of you that our listeners should look out for?”