Page 97 of Torn
Speaking of chicks, it’s been almost a week since I saw Kenzi at the bonfire, and my emotions are still all over the place from that night. The way her eyes were glued to me, glowing with a mix of love and lust as I played the guitar did way more than just turn me on like mad. It made me itch to start playing again. Every night since then I’ve dragged my guitar out of the closet and sat in my backyard brushing up on my old favorite songs and toying around with some new ones.
I miss my dreams.
I can still feel her lips on mine, in that daring moment whenshe kissed me all on her own and almost made me tear her clothes off in Asher’s laundry room while he was probably twenty feet away eating her birthday cake.
I feel sick.
I feel tortured.
I feel unhinged with want for her.
I feel a deep ache in my heart that only she can soothe.
I feel like I’m stabbing a dagger straight through my best friend’s back.
The scales are tipping, though, and it’s scaring the shit out of me.
I pull my phone out of my back pocket and type out a quick text, my stomach immediately knotting up.
I’m taking tomorrow off and going for a ride.
Um ok? Thanks for the update? Shall I expect further notice?
I laugh at the screen, loving her little snarky attitude.
Be outside at 8am. Jeans, boots, and your helmet.
I’m going too?! :-)
If you want to…
Of course I do!
Woot! I haven’t been on your bike in years!
Because that seat on my bike has been reserved.
For who? :-(
The woman of my dreams ;-)
Wtf is that?