Page 83 of Torn
Sorry. I have no filter when I’m exhausted and deprived.
I’m not complaining :-)
You wrote me a letter. I miss seeing your writing.
I’ll do it more.
Only you could make the word fucking look beautiful ;-)
LOL thanks
I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say fuck before.
I didn’t say it, I wrote it. And I was quoting you.
Someday I’m going to get you to say it :-)
Someday works for me ;)
Kenz… I’m too tired to fight my feelings tonight.
Good. I’ve declared tonight as being all rules off.
Oh really?
Yes. Tomorrow we can go back to living in denial.
He’s quiet for a few moments and I wonder if he fell asleep with the phone in his hand.
Don’t hate me tomorrow when I’m back to normal.
I’ll love you more tomorrow.
You’re really killing me tonight. It’s not fair.
I like honesty, Tor. If this is the only way you can do that with me, I’ll take it.
This would be easier if you would just push me away, ya know.
Sorry. No can do. :-)