Page 76 of Torn
Hey you. I was thinking about you too. I had microwave meat loaf for dinner. I have no idea what I just ate. It may have been iguana meat. I miss your dinners. ;-)
I see what I mean to you now ;) You’re probably buried in white fur too, huh?
Pretty much.
I’m not sure I feel bad…
I miss everything. Not just you taking care of me.
I miss you, too.
My eyes latch on to those words and I’m very aware of how quickly and naturally we slip into these moments of what I can only think of as longing.And flirting.I attempt to U-turn the conversation with idle chatter.
I have good news. Remember the dog we’ve been trying to catch by the river for months? We got him today.
Omg finally! Is he okay?
He is now. He was actually stuck IN the river, off Suicide Bridge. Tris had to go in on a rope to get him out.
Holy crap! That’s amazing. I’m so proud of you guys!
Thanks. He’s super thin but he’s going to be fine. Mom’s found a foster for him already.
I’m so glad he’s finally safe.
Me too. So, are you enjoying Maine?
Yes. Sailor came by a few days ago and took me for lunch. He was visiting a friend who lives out here. He’s a really sweet guy, very quiet and polite. I’m designing a tattoo for him.
The mystery meat dinner turns in my stomach.
That was nice of him.
Asshole drifter.
Yeah. We had a nice day. So, Katherine’s friend is a photographer and took some pix of me for my portfolio. She thinks maybe I could do some shoots with her and get paid, like for products, or maybe even for a magazine.
That would be great. I’m proud of you.
I’m still stuck on Sailor spending the day with her. I want to ask her if they’re dating but I don’t want to come off like some jealous teenager. Could he seriously have friends out there, conveniently located near Kenzi’s aunt? I’m not buying it.