Page 42 of Torn
I can feel Kenzi’s eyes on me without even having to look over at her, and I wonder if she saw Heather attempting to do a cock dive into my jeans.
“I’m on a break,” I finally say.
“A what?”
“A break,” I repeat, finishing my beer. I want to go home. Alone. Heather might be fun for a few hours, but in the morning, I’d have to find a way to get rid of her and not see her again. I don’t want to be a douche like that.
“What does that mean, exactly?”
“It means my dick is on a vacation.”
Heather scratches her head and looks around us, trying to find someone else to doall the work on, most likely. “Well… that’s a new one, and I think I’ll pass on asking for the details of what that might mean and why. Have a good one, Toren.”
As I watch her practically run away from me, I wonder what the hell I’m doing to myself. I’m on a path to sure social suicide.
Kenzi—age ten
Toren—age twenty-five (in jail for assault)
Dear Uncle Tor,
I miss you and hope you come home soon. Daddy said I can write to you every week. I’m using the special pen and ink you gave me.
I am cleaning the bunny cage every Saturday just like I promised.
I threw a penny in a puddle and wished you to be back, but it didn’t work. I think it only works with deeper waters.
Don’t forget me while you are gone.
I love you the most,
Dear Kenzi,
I’ll be home soon, I promise. Your writing is beautiful, and the parchment paper was very nice. A letter from you every week would make me happy. I’m sorry I’m not there to help you with Snuggles. I’ll be back in a few months. Save some pennies for when I get there and we’ll make wishes together. I don’t think puddles will work, but thanks for trying.
I could never forget you, Angel.
Be good for Mommy and Daddy.
I love you forever and longer,
Uncle Tor
I always thought the last day of school would be exciting and I’d walk out the school doors for the last time with a huge smile, hugging Chloe, and we’d race off to get Frappuccinos to discuss our plans for an amazing summer together.
But instead, I’m standing under a tree on the front lawn of the school with my hoodie over my head, alone, in the rain. Chloe took off with Brendan to celebrate, and now I don’t have a ride home. Six miles is going to feel like twelve in this weather if I walk.
I call my father on his mobile, but it goes straight to voice mail. I frown, vaguely remembering him telling me he was going to the city today for a grief-counseling meetup.
Rayne is working, so she won’t be able to come get me. I quickly flip through my contacts on my cell phone. I have Sailor’s number saved, but I don’t know him well enough to beg for a ride and I don’t want him to see me looking like a gutter rat. Aunt Sydni isn’t good at last-minute plans and probably isn’t even awake yet. I don’t want to bother any of my dad’s brothers, as they’re all usually pretty busy.
I hit Tor’s number, and he picks up on the second ring.