Page 134 of Torn
I blink at her. “He told you about us?”
“Yes. He needed to talk to someone he could trust. He’s all torn up over this.”
“Tesla, please don’t tell anyone.”
“I won’t, but you better stop sending him text messages. You’re lucky the Queen of Rock ’n’ Roll in there didn’t get ahold of his phone before I did, or your ass would be grass right now.”
“I know that. What is she doing here anyway? They’re not even together.”
“Seriously, Kenzi, wake up. She thinks she owns him. Mymom’s about to throw her out because she’s trying to take control already.”
I stand up and pace the room. “This is awful. How is he? Is he awake? Is he in a lot of pain? I’m going nuts not being able to be with him.”
She falls into one of the chairs and crosses her legs. “He’s not really awake. He opens his eyes for a few seconds but that’s it. The doctor said he probably won’t be coherent until tomorrow. He must be in pain; the road rash alone looks like pizza. They’ve got him on IV pain meds.”
My chest aches with worry. “Oh my God. I hate this.”
“You two are really in a mess, Kenzi. You have to lie low or someone is going to catch on. My brother has enough to deal with now. If anyone finds out he’s screwing you, it’s going to cause a ruckus, and that’s not going to be good for him.”
I shoot her an angry look. “He’s notscrewingme, Tesla. We love each other.”
She shakes her head at me, her silver hoop earrings swinging. “I just hope you two know what you’re doing. I’m only two years older than you, and I can’t wrap my head around the thought of loving someone and planning a future with them at this stage in my life. I can’t even fathom being that kind of tied down.”
“You and I are very different, Tessie. I love your brother, and I can honestly say the only thing I want is to spend my life with him. I don’t think of it as being tied down at all.”
“I hope you feel that way in five, ten years and beyond. Because if you do a U-turn at some point and leave him, it will break his heart. He’s not nineteen years old. He wants to settle down.”
“Trust me, I know that, and I would never do that to him. You don’t think I worry that he’ll want to be with someone his own age and will leave me? We’re both vulnerable.”
She runs her hand through her long hair and shakes her head. “I think you’re both playing with fire. Your father is going to freak when he finds out. Even though Tor is a great guy and will probably treat you like a queen, Asher isn’t going to be able to see past the fact that his best friend is boning his daughter.”
“You don’t have to remind me, Tess. I know all of this. It’s all I think about.”
She pulls a pack of mints out of her purse and offers me one before putting a few into her mouth. I shake my head. I have no appetite for anything, even a tiny mint.
“Look, Kenzi… I’m not trying to be a bitch. I love my brother, and I like you. I think you guys can be happy together. I’m just a little pissed off right now because my brother is lying in a hospital bed because some fucking asshole was probably texting while they were driving. I’m not trying to make you feel bad. I know you’re upset.”
“It’s okay,” I say weakly. “I understand.”
“Taran and Tris put his bike on a flatbed and took it to the shop. He’s going to be so pissed when he finds out his bike is wrecked.”
“How bad is it? Can it be fixed?” Tor has put so much time and money into rebuilding that motorcycle over the years, he’ll be heartbroken to find out it’s messed up.
“Taran thinks so, but Tor likes to do the work on his bike himself, so they’re not going to do much to it.”
I nod in agreement. “I thought I’d stay with the pets at his house until he’s able to come home, unless you want to?”
“That would be great, actually. I work a lot of really late nights.”
“Then I’m more than happy to stay.”
I glance at my watch and realize it’s late afternoon already. My heart feels sick with worry about Tor. Not being able to see him,hold him close, and tell him I’m here is killing me inside. Is he wondering if I’m here? Is he upset that I’m not in there?
Tesla stands. “You want to take a walk to his room with me and see how he’s doing?” she asks softly. “Hopefully Sydni will be gone.”
I nod and wipe at my eyes with my fingers. “Yes.”
When we get to his room, I’m relieved to see that Sydni has left. His mom and Tristan are there, and I hug both of them hello, trying to not fall apart as my eyes rivet on Tor sleeping in the bed. He looks smaller and younger in just the hospital gown and a thin white blanket thrown over his legs. The dark, dried blood on his forehead and the side of his face causes my chest to constrict. I want to get a soft, warm cloth and wipe it away.